


Electronic cardioarteriograph

An easy-to-use affordable device to measure several cardiovascular parameters from unsupervised measurements easily obtained at hands, feet or both

Ref. MKT2021/0186_H


Nanoenabled hydrogels for advanced skin care: SKinGEL

A new a method for in situ self-assembling of NPs with phenolic-shell and biopolymers with nucleophilic groups into multifunctional nanocomposite hydrogel for enhancing wound closure and tissue recovery. (Skingel) 

Ref. MKT2021/0182_H

Foldable paper-based device for detection of infection in body fluids

A new system for the assessment of the tear film quality and the diagnosis of dry-eye has been developed. Based on a non-invasive recording of images of the light reflected on the tear-film of the eye, posterior image processing allows the objective assessment of dry-eye condition. It’s a simple and cost-effective sys-tem easy to use in clinics.

Ref. MKT2021/0181_H 


Strain textil sensor

A new strain textile sensor capable of detecting different states of elongation of the tissue and therefore it is possible to characterize its resistance variations.

Ref. MKT2019/0180_H

Assessment of accommodation from real-time monitoring of the refractive state of the eye

A new method and computer program for characterizing ocular accommodation. The method comprises measuring spherical refractive errors of an eye for different additional optical powers with respect to reference refraction

Ref. MKT2021/0178_H


Morphing surfaces made of slidable rods

The technology relies on the mechanical concept that by assembling surfaces made out of slidable rods, such surfaces can achieve extreme morphing by sliding the rods non-uniformly. Fields of application: Soft robotic/biomedical devices, Design and architecture and Space deployable structures.

Ref. MKT2021/0175_H

Self-driven microfluid filter for separeting liquid from a liquid including deformable particles (i.e. plasma from blood)

This Novel Microfluidic blood plasma filter has been design and validated in MicroTechLab of the Mechanical Engineering Department of UPC. Currently, partners to combine the System with a diagnositc tool and batch produce it and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are tought.

Ref. MKT2021/0174_H

Image processing method for glaucoma detection and computer program

UPC, Instituto de Microcirugia Ocular (IMO) and Max Planck Society have been developed an image processing method for ordering anterior chamber optical coherence tomography (OCT) images in a fully unsupervised manner.

Ref. MKT2019/0167_H


Non–invasive method for the objective assessment of the intraocular scattering of the cornea and the crystaline lens

A new method has been developed for the assessment of the intraocular scattering generated in each structure of the human eye, i.e., the cornea and the crystalline lens. Based on a non-invasive recording of images of the light reflected on the different surfaces of the eye (Purkinje images) and their posterior image processing allows the objective assessment of the intraocular scattering of the cornea and the crystalline lens separately. It is a simple and cost-effective method easy to use in clinics.

Ref. MKT2019/0165_H

Non-invasive method to objectively determine the dynamics of the tear film and diagnose dry-eye disease (DED)

A new system for the assessment of the tear film quality and the diagnosis of dry-eye has been developed. Based on a non-invasive recording of images of the light reflected on the tear-film of the eye, posterior image processing allows the objective assessment of dry-eye condition. It’s a simple and cost-effective sys-tem easy to use in clinics.

Ref. MKT2019/0164_H

Method and apparatus for measuring the collimated transmittance of a semi-transparent body

A method of measuring a collimated (or directional) transmittance of a semitransparent body comprising diferent steps and an apparatus for carrying out such a method have been developed.

Ref. MKT2016/0158_H


Novel actuation system for an active orthosis
A novel actuation system for a knee orthosis has been designed and patented. This new technology allows to actuate or lock knee rotation during gait, by means of a single motor and a ball-screw transmission. The system is low-weight, compact and easy to adapt to commercial passive orthoses. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2014/0153_H

Novel conic cannula for spine cement injection
Novel conic cannula for homogeneous injection of bone cements in the spine have been patented and developed. The new design is especially indicated for the injection of ceramic-based bone cements because the pressure drop developed along the cannula minimizes bone cement’s press filtering. Partners to further develop the technology and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
Ref. MKT2014/0152_H

This novel microfluidic circuit has been developed in MicroTechLab - Mechani-cal Engineering Department at UPC. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
Ref. MKT2013/0150_H

Novel sensor for in vivo nano-mechanical characterization
A nanoforce sensor has been designed to be able to work in aqueous environ-ments. The system is based on a motion amplifier mechanism that allows to amplify extremely small displacements (nanometers) up to 200 times, provid-ing the possibility to characterize the mechano-transduction mechanisms ei-ther of a single cell or a tissue in a 3D gel scaffold. Partners to further develop the system applying to specific assays and/or to establish commercial agree-ments along with technical cooperation are sought.
Ref. MKT2012/0124_H

Automatic device for suture in anastomosis surgery interventions
A new automatic, fast and biocompatible new surgical manipulator device has been developed and patented. This new technology allows cross-cutting of tubular tissue using absorbable yarn and avoids the common complications of traditional anastomosis interventions. Partners to further develop the device and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
Ref. MKT2012/0142_H

Biofeedback systems for urinary incontinence treatment
This new biofeedback has been developed by the division of Biomedical Signals and Systems and the division of Instrumentation and Bioengineering of the CREB of UPC and the support of the Hospital Clínic.

Ref. MKT2012/0134_H

A wireless Augmentative and Alternative Communication System
This new system is an Augmentative and Alternative Communication system (AAC) that allows people with language disabilities to communicate through icons without the intervention of external support. The design is formed by two low-cost separated blocks (selection of the symbols and voice reproduction) with a wireless communication, so it facilitates its scalability, to adapt it to user's vocabulary, and mechanical and intellectual skills. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2012/0118_H

High resolution non-contact measurement of biophysical parameters
A prototype of a novel laser-based displacement sensor enabling subnanometric resolution measurements of biophysical parameters has been developed. The system is in addition extremely compact (few cm3), robust and non-contact. Partners to further develop the current prototype, to pursue novel applications, and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2011/0055_H

Motion Planning Procedure for the Virtual Bronchoscopy
A virtual bronchoscopy system that allows the navigation within the model of the lungs is been protected by Universitat Politecncica de Catalunya (UPC) and Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL). Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2012/0128_H

Novel syringes and concepts for homogeneous injection of bone cements
Novel syringes and concepts useful for homogeneous injection of ceramic bone cements have been patented and developed. These new designs solve the current problems related to the press-filtering that limit the clinical applications. Partners to further develop the technology and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2012/0107_H

A new workflow, algorithmic approach and software tool to analyze LC/MS and NMR samples in metabolomics
A new algorithm is able to greatly increase the power of any statistical test based on Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy (LC/MS) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) based metabolomic data. This software tool is able to construct prediction models in an almost fully automatic fashion. Built models contain a critical pre-processing step that improves dramatically the results of standard prediction algorithms. Partners to further develop the system and/ or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2012/0132_H

Tantalum foams for orthopaedic applications
A method for obtaining Tantalum (Ta) foams through the powder metallurgy technique for trabecular bone implants has been patented and developed. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2012/0131_H

A device for electromechanical stimulation of 2D monolayer and 3D stem cell’s cultures for tissue engineering applications
New device and apparatus for mechanical or simultaneous electromechanical stem cell cultures have been designed and patented by UPC and IGTP. The device is disposable and allows sterile mechanical stimulation on standard Petri dishes without breaking the sterile barrier. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2012/0130_H

ICHNAEA. A Software System for the Microbial Source Tracking Problem
A software system for the Microbial Source Tracking (MST) problem has been developed in order to solve the problems of the current predictive models. It provides the accuracy and the precision of the prediction, the estimated degree of dilution and the age of the pollution for the analyzed example. Partners to licence the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2012/0129_H

Automatic system for electroporation of adherent cells growing in standard multi-well plates
An electrode assembly for in vitro electroporation for adherent cells has been designed and patented by UPC and UB. The new system allows the electroporation in standard culture plates, achieving an enhanced and uniform electric field distribution across the biological sample monolayer and reducing the invasiveness of the operation. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2012/0127_H

Biomaterial macroporós amb alliberament de components actius útil per la regeneració òssia durant la menopausa
La UPC juntament amb la Universitat de Brighton ha desenvolupat i patentat un nou mètode que permet obtenir una espuma de fosfat de calci amb excel•lents propietats de macroporositat útil com a material per a la regeneració òssia i l’alliberament de fàrmacs. El nou biomaterial, que és pot preparar ràpidament i eficientment sota condicions que no necessiten ambients especials, és fàcilment injectable, molt estable i es pot utilitzar, entre altres aplicacions, per prevenció de pèrdua de la densitat òssia en pacients amb menopausa gràcies a l’alliberament d’isoflavones prèviament incorporades. Aquesta nova tecnologia pot ser de gran interès per empreses fabricants de biomaterials per a la regeneració òssia i l’alliberament controlat d’agents actius.

Ref. MKT2011/0028_H

La UPC i el CSIC ha desenvolupat un nou sistema per l’anàlisi automàtic d’imatges de microscopia confocal per estudis a nivell cel•lular, principalment cèl•lules cardíaques, nervioses i pancreàtiques. L’eina representa una millora important per la caracterització d’events locals de calci que juguen un rol important en molts processos fisiològics i s’associen en patologies com les arítmies cardíaques. Actualment el sistema permet l’estudi de cèl•lules singulars, però el sistema és potencialment aplicable a estudis de cultius cel•lulars, podent-se convertir en una eina de suport al diagnòstic. Aquesta tecnologia pot ser d’especial interès per empreses de processaments d’imatges biomèdiques i/o fabricants de sistemes òptics de precisió com els microscopis confocals i de fluorescència.
Ref. MKT2010/009_H

Dispositiu implantable sense requeriment de bateria útil per la monitorizació de dades en animals de laboratori
S’ha desenvolupat un dispositiu electrònic implantable que permet la monitorizació de dades d’animals de laboratori que no necessita bateria ja que s’alimenta mitjançant un camp magnètic. Aquesta nova tecnologia permet que la monitorització es pugui fer durant tota la vida de l’animal sense que aquest hagi de tornar a ser operat per canviar les piles dels sensors evitant així possibles alteracions i canvis fisiològics indesitjats que poden alterar l’estudi en qüestió. Aquesta nova tecnologia pot ser de gran interès per empreses fabricants de dispositius de telemetria animal o aparells de laboratori.
Ref. MKT2011/0035_H

Ciment inorgànic per aplicacions biomèdiques
Biomaterial obtingut a partir d’òxid de magnesi i fosfat de sodi amb excel•lents propietats (segellat, adhesivitat i antimicrobianes) per la regeneració de teixits durs de gran utilitat en tractaments de cirurgia òssia i odontologia. Representa una alternativa eficient als materials comercials, com el MTA, que actualment s’utilitzen per tractaments endodòntics. Aquesta nova tecnologia pot ser de gran interès, entre altres, per empreses fabricants de biomaterials per a tractaments dentals.
Ref. MKT2011/0029_H

Nou biomaterial nanoestructurat que promou la regeneració tissular útil pel tractament d’úlceres vasculars
La UPC juntament amb l’IBEC (Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya) ha desenvolupat i patentat un nou biomaterial format per nanopartícules de fosfat de calci que permet l’alliberament controlat d’ions útil per la revascularització i regeneració tissular. Utilitzant aquesta tecnologia s’està desenvolupant un apòsit dèrmic biodegradable pel tractament d’úlceres vasculars. Aquesta nova tecnologia pot ser de gran interès, entre altres, per empreses fabricants de biomaterials pel tractament d'úlceres.  
Ref. MKT2011/0030_H

Guant ortopèdic que amplifica la força de la mà útil per a persones grans o discapacitades
Nou dispositiu d’accionament per una mà discapacitada que consisteix en un exosquelet pensat per a persones que tenen el moviment de la mà i sensibilitat a la punta dels dits però no tenen la força necessària per aguantar un objecte. Presenta la novetat que no necessita cap tipus d’energia externa pel seu funcionament, ni piles ni bateries, ni electromiografia, ja que tant sols és accionat pel moviment del propi canell a través d’un senzill mecanisme d’accionament. Aquest guant, de gran utilitat per a persones grans o persones que han sofert accidents o tenen discapacitat, pot ser d’especial interès per empreses fabricants de productes ortopèdics i/o productes de millora de la qualitat de vida.
Ref. MKT2010/0014_H

Biopolímers proteics que promouen la regeneració òssia útils per la integració d’implants metàl•lics en tractaments dentals o ortopèdics
La UPC juntament amb la Universitat de Valladolid ha desenvolupat uns biopolímers proteics capaços d’activar funcions biològiques com la diferenciació cel.lular i l’estimulació de la biomineralització. Aquests nous biopolímers són fàcilment modificables per obtenir les propietats desitjades. El mètode utilitzat permet un fort ancoratge del polímer a biosuperficies metàl•liques, convertint-lo en un excel•lent material per la promoure la regeneració òssia al voltant d’implants metàl·lics. Aquesta nova tecnologia pot ser de gran interès, entre altres, per empreses fabricants de biomaterials per tractaments dentals o ortopèdics.
Ref. MKT2011/0031_H

Nou mètode per testar la virulència de la tuberculosi
Un grup de científics de la UP i la FGTP ha desenvolupat un nou mètode per determinar la virulència de Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) d'una manera ràpida, fàcil i segura. Es busquen empreses interessades en explotar comercialment la tecnologia o establir acords col.laboratius R+D. 
Ref. MKT2011/0081_H

Procediment per l'augment de la durabilitat de l'èoxid de circoni en aplicacions dentals.
S'ha patentat un nou procediment que permet millorar les propietat de les pròtesis dentals de circoni conseguint un augment de la resistència de la degradació sense que s'alterin les seves propietats mecàniques. Es busquen empreses interessades en l'explotació comercial d'aquesta tecnologia.
Ref. MKT2011/0090_H