Abstract: Since the i* (i-star) framework was adopted by the requirements engineering community, different groups have formulated variations of the language proposed therein. These variations have been issued to adapt the framework to the specific needs of its users. Whilst this flexibility is helpful from many perspectives, it poses some challenges, remarkably the difficulty to share a common model knowledge base, and tool incompatibility. In earlier works, we have formulated the iStarML interchange format as a mediator between these different variations. In this paper, we present a particular experiment we have carried out, namely the interconnection of two existing tools, jUCMNav and HiME. In the experiment, we have provided the adequate mappings to transform models that correspond to the two metamodels adopted by these tools, we have identified the conflicting cases in the transformation, and we have implemented the mapping as import/export facilities in the tools. This experiment has not just an intrinsic value per se (i.e., the ability of these two tools to interchange models) but also sets the basis for a general solution to the i* tool interoperability problem.