

The Institute is known within UPC BARCELONA TECH as ICE (Institut de Ciències de l’Educació - Institute of Education Sciences)



Contributing to the enhancement of quality education at UPC by means of promoting improvement and innovation in teaching and learning in higher education and by providing training for academic staff in the use of new educational resources.


Goal and Acting Lines

Our main goal is to provide academic staff with practical solutions to facilitate an easy use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in teaching activities and an effective adoption of proved teaching and learning methods that help focus on the significant student learning.

To achieve this goal the Institute is organised in 3 lines of action:

  1. Training of Academic Staff
  2. Promotion of Innovation
  3. Training of Secondary School Teachers


Areas of Interest

  • European Higher Education Area implications on organising teaching
  • Student Workload and ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) Development
  • Competency-Based Teaching and Learning
  • Competences for Life-Long Learning
  • Course planning and development
  • Learning Measurement (Evaluation and Assessment)
  • Questionnaires for Continuous Improvement
  • Curriculum development
  • Roles of academics: Teaching, Research, Technology Transfer, Management, Extension Activities.
  • Communities of Practice and Knowledge Management
  • Peer Review, Lesson observation
  • Web-Based Teaching and Learning
  • Web-based Open Learning Environments
  • E-Based Educational Materials
  • Active methodologies
  • Collaborative/Cooperative Learning
  • Problem-Based/Project-Organised Learning
  • CLIL Methodology (Content and Language Integrated Learning)
  • Portfolios
  • Mentoring

The Activities

Academic Staff Training

  • Courses, Workshops and Seminars on topics related to ICE’s areas of interest
  • Postgraduate in STEM lecturing: a comprehensive training programme targeted at university lecturers
  • Welcome Programme:  addressed to new academic staff, it includes coordination of ad-hoc documents and a welcome session
  • Grants for external training

Promotion of Innovation

  • Groups of interest in related topics: RIMA (Research and Innovation in Learning Methodologies) project
  • Promotion of UPC academic staff teaching innovations and initiatives: grants and events
  • Support to adapt to European Higher Education Area teaching requirements
  • Information on new trends and developments in university education
  • The Factories: teaching resources facilities located in all UPC campuses libraries. They make available updated hardware and software and provide help from specialised people to adapt any document or educational project into an ICT based framework.
  • Assistance in integrating technology into teaching and development of technical projects

Secondary School Teacher’s Training

  • Master in Secondary School Teacher Training (Technology, Mathematics and Vocational Training)
  • Teacher training courses on fields related to UPC expertise
  • Postgraduate in Secondary School Technology Teacher Training
  • Development of teaching and learning resources



2012 – The UPC BARCELONA TECH Institute of Education Sciences becomes an academic unit in the renewed statutes of the university.

2003 - The UPC BARCELONA TECH Institute of Education Sciences is recognised in the new statutes of the university as a structural unit, together with Research Institutes, Schools, Faculties and Departments.

1970’s - Institutes of Education Sciences were created by law in Spanish universities. They were initially centres for research and promotion of specialisation in education, the target groups were pre-university teachers and university lecturers


The Team

The team is made up of academic, academic-related, administrative and secretarial staff. It is a team of professionals in the fields of Computers, Education, Training, Multimedia, Administration and Management, under the direction of an academic board of UPC professors. The team is qualified to provide support in ICT, Multimedia and Educational Methodologies.

The Director is Dr. Mar Carrió

A full list of staff with phone and email addresses can be found by clicking “Equip (Team)” in the Menu Bar.


The Role within UPC

Within UPC, the Institute is acting as an agency, providing consultancy, assistance, resources and training to academic staff of the university.

It complements the activities developed by other bodies of UPC in supporting the teaching activity of academics.
The key role of the Institute in facilitating that existing resources at UPC are put forward to support teaching and learning is currently increasing.

The need for the Institute role is supported by the fact that UPC is not delivering Pedagogy degrees.


The Decision-Making Process

The Institute reports to the Rector and to the Governing Board of the university. The Director of the Institute is appointed by the Rector on the basis of a three year mission.


Extension Activities

In the framework of its strategic objectives, the Institute is fostering its external relations in the perspective of acquiring a collection of teaching practices of excellence well adapted to the new trends and requirements of the European Higher Education Area.

The concern is to put in place a strong network of relevant contacts in other universities in order to inform the academic staff of UPC of current experiences of interest on teaching and learning solutions in Spain and all countries abroad.



On the third floor of P building. This building is part of the UPC South Campus in Barcelona

Postal address:

Institut de Ciències de l’Educació

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Campus Diagonal Nord, Building VX (Vèrtex)
Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6 08034 Barcelona, Spain

Telephone number: +34  93 401 60 66
Fax number: +34  93 401 56 16
Contact us :

UPC Open Course Ware: Dipòsit Materials Docents UPC
UPC Innovation in Teaching Annual Congress: Jornada d’innovació docent UPC
UPC Open Learning Environment: Plataforma de suport a la docència ATENEA


“The above information is a package especially designed for purposes of information to our English speaking visitors. It is a comprehensive overview of what the ICE of UPC BarcelonaTech is. This information is up-dated only when relevant major changes occur in ICE of UPC BarcelonaTech. If you may require any further detail or more precise information on any aspect, please, contact us at Looking forward to your comments.”