

TINTIN: A Tool for INcremental INTegrity checking

A tool for efficiently implementing business rules validation, in any database system, to ensure the quality of the data. 

Ref. MKT20210187_I  


Multilingual Translator

A training method for multilingual neural machine translation systems that is efficiently extendable to new languages and data modalities.

Ref. MKT20190177_I

Handover System and Method for 4G/5G Networks

An innovative handover signaling method, that utilizes the Software Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm, parallel information transfer and elimination of duplicate information to reduce the signaling overhead during the handover preparation and rejection phases, which are critical for an efficient handover.

Ref. MKT20190170_I 


Data modulation method for Wi-Fi off-the-shelf transmitters to communicate with non-Wi-Fi IoT devices

A technology that enables the communication from an off-the-shelf Wi-Fi de-vice to non-Wi-Fi Internet of Things appliances, only through a software up-date. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT20190168_I


Non–invasive method for the objective assessment of the intraocular scattering of the cornea and the crystaline lens

A new method has been developed for the assessment of the intraocular scattering generated in each structure of the human eye, i.e., the cornea and the crystalline lens. Based on a non-invasive recording of images of the light reflected on the different surfaces of the eye (Purkinje images) and their posterior image processing allows the objective assessment of the intraocular scattering of the cornea and the crystalline lens separately. It is a simple and cost-effective method  easy to use in clinics.

Ref. MKT2019/0165_I


Non-invasive method to objectively determine the dynamics of the tear film and diagnose dryeye disease (DED)

A new system for the assessment of the tear film quality and the diagnosis of dry-eye has been developed. Based on a non-invasive recording of images of the light reflected on the tear-film of the eye, posterior image processing allows the objective assessment of dry-eye. It’s a simple and cost-effective system easy to use in clinics.

Ref. MKT2019/0164_I

Measuring Technique for Reducing the Number of Voltage Sensors in a Modular Multilevel Converter

Using this measuring technique, each voltage sensor is able to measure the ca-pacitor voltages of multiple Sub-Modules (SMs) of a Modular Multilevel Con-verter (MMC). The proposed technique highly reduces the number of voltage sensors used in MMCs, reducing the costs and complexity of the data acquisi-tion system. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish com-mercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2015/0155_I

Method and system for correcting errors in satellite positioning systems and computer program products thereof
An innovative approach to improve the performance of tablet and smartphone embedded GNSS positioning services. Partners to develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2014/0151_I

Method for optimizing the transmitter power allocation in a communications system
A new method for optimizing the power allocation in a communications system that can be decomposed in multiple parallel channels have been developed and patented. The technology allows to optimize the transmission rate, power
or energy efficiency of a communications system with very low complexity. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2014/0154_I

Wavelength shifter module for optical fiber access communications

This Optical Network Unit (ONU) for next-generation optical access networks (FTTH PONs) shifts the down-stream wavelength in the optical spectrum for remodulation at the Customer Premises and transmission in the up-stream direction.

Ref. MKT2013/0145_I

Homodyne receiver with post-processing for optical communications

In high bit rate optical transmission, the use of a coherent homodyne receiver will largely increase the communication capacity and enhance the transmission performances. The proposed receiver is potentially large scale integrable, thus being useful for access network transceivers, and other applications which require low-cost and high performance receivers.

Ref. MKT2013/0144_I

Optical remote node device and support equipment for constructing and extending fibre-optic access networks

The Remote Node performs all-optical interfacing between a metropolitan ring and the access trees to the homes, thus enabling a transparent metro-access converged optical network. The device performs the functions of wavelength add&drop, ring protection and optical amplification with remote pumping. It is composed by a number of optical elements not requiring electrical power supply.

Ref. MKT2013/0143_I

Method to code the signal amplitude by folding and auxiliary information labels
A simple technique improves the power budget of cost-effective optical analog and OFDM systems by transmitting the signal absolute value and adding a label with the sample sign or region.
Ref. MKT2012/0140_I

Low-power FOCV MPPT controller with automatic adjustment of the sampling time and period

A new simple control scheme for dynamically adjusting the sampling time and period of a Fractional Open Circuit Voltage (FOCV) MPPT controller has been developed and patented. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2012/0138_I

Multimodal spectral clustering technology

Clustering techniques allow to find natural groups inside very large datasets whose internal structure may be forma Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2012/0136_I

Efficient technology to reduce interference in passive optical networks

A new method for reducing interference in passive optical networks has been developed and patented. The technology allows the use of low cost lasers whose wavelength does not to be pre-selected, and assures a high speed communication of hundreds of users. Partners to further develop the system and/ or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.

Ref. MKT2012/0109_I

Flexible device to increase bandwidth in bidirectional optical link
A new method for increasing the bandwidth in bidirectional optical links and passive optical networks has been developed and patented. This method uses a flexible simple, integrated and wavelength-agnostic semiconductor device to achieve re-modulation of the incident seed light with simultaneous phase and intensity modulation. Partners to further develop the system and/or to estab-lish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
Ref. MKT2011/0052_I

Optical communication receiver with an SQRT nonlinear equalizer
In a high bit rate optical transmission, the inclusion of a simple non-linear equalizer implementing the square-root mathematical function, just after the photo-detector and before the conventional electronic equalizer (FIR, MLSE, analog,..), linearizes the overall systems and highly improves the transmission performances.
Ref. MKT2011/0050_I

A voltage-sensing circuit structure to enhanced fast-scale stability margin of a switching power converter
A voltage-sensing circuit structure for a switching power converter and a method for an enhanced fast-scale stability margin of a switching power converter have been developed and patented. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
Ref. MKT2011/0060_I

New device for bidirectional optical link
A method and apparatus for bidirectional optical link using a single optical carrier and colorless demodulation and detection of optical frequency shift keyed data have been developed and patented. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
Ref. MKT2011/0025_I

Efficient BIST architecture to detect defects in TSVs
A new BIST (Built-in Self-Test) architecture has been developed to detect defects in TSVs (Through Silicon Vias) during the pre-bond phase. A simple circuit is included to detect defective TSVs affected by hard and/or weak defects, adding low area overhead and applying a simple and fast test methodology. The same circuit can be subsequently re-used for reconfiguration if a defective TSV has been detected. Partners to further develop the technology and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
Ref. MKT2012/0141_I

A low-complexity and low-power receiver for wireless communications
A superregenerative receiver for digital phase-modulated signals has been developed and patented. The technology described herein extends for the first time the conventional superregenerative receiver to be able to detect PSK signals with a minimum of additional circuitry. Taking advantage of both the lowcomplexity and low-power from superregenerative receivers and the more efficient power transmission achieved by PSK modulations. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
Ref. MKT2012/0103_I

Low frequency Non-Intrusive built-in strategy to test and characterize RF and mmW integrated analogue circuits.
Set of procedures and circuit sensors to embed within high frequency analogue circuits (e.g.: RF, mmW), whose goal is to enhance either test production or self healing strategies to reduce performance spreading and to enhance yield. The technique is based on measuring the temperature at selected locations of the circuit under test with the goal of extracting information about the performances of the individual blocks that constitute a complete system (e.g. low noise amplifier, power amplifier, etc). Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
Ref. MKT2012/0111_I

Non-Intrusive and contact less procedure to test and characterize RF and mmW integrated analogue circuits with DC or low frequency temperature measurements with applications to failure analysis.
A new procedure that is able to test (go-no go) and to characterize (i.e. to extract high frequency figures of merit, such as central frequency, 1dB compression point) high frequency analogue circuits by using off-chip temperature measurement techniques, such as infra-red camera, reflectometry, interferometry, etc... The technique has applications in the field of design debugging or failure analysis. It allows to test and characterize the individual blocks that constitute a complete system (e.g. low noise amplifier, mixer, power amplifier), even when their electrical outputs are not accessible to the classical instrumentation equipment. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
Ref. MKT2012/0108_I

Multilevel Active-Clamped Electrical Energy Converter.
A new multilevel conversion technique has been developed to produce efficient, compact, and easily scalable electrical energy converters to be employed in dc-dc, dc-ac, and ac-ac, single- or multiple-phase, conversion applications with unidirectional or bidirectional power flow. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
Ref. MKT2012/0115_I

Simple and efficient systems for decentralized managing of neighboring femtocells.
A procedure for the management of neighboring femtocells is proposed that guarantees efficient utilization of the available spectrum and, simultaneously, that the aggregate interference level as perceived by any of the femtocell users is kept below a given value. The technique is well suited to the initial configuration of a femtocell when integrated in an operational femtocell network. In addition, the protected invention includes a simple procedure for the pairwise optimization of the transmission rate and/or power of any pair of neighboring femtocells. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
Ref. MKT2012/0096_I

Reconfigurable computing crossbar architecture based on memFETs.
New reconfigurable computing crossbar architecture based on memFETs has been developed and patented. This breakthrough technology, developed by a group of scientist from UAB and UPC represents an alternative to conventional computational systems as it adapts the size and composition dynamically, without any changes in CMOS manufacturing process required. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
Ref. MKT2011/0080_I

Nou sistema robust i fiable per la mesura de la dispersió cromàtica.
S'han desenvolupat noves tècniques de mesura de la dispersió cromàtica per millorar alguns punts dèbils dels analitzadors comercials actuals. La tecnologia basada en la detecció de valors nuls d'amplitud permet una reducció significativa del cost i la complexitat. Es busquen empreses interessades en la seva explotació comercial o en estalbir acords de col.laboració R+D. 
Ref. MKT2010/0012_I

Sistema i procedimient per generar ràfegues de dades.
Un grup de la UPC amb col.laboració amb el centre tecnològic i2CAT, ha desenvolupat un nou mecanismes per generar ràfegues de dades en un sistema de computació per l'execució en comunicacions de sistemes Optica Burst Switching. Gràcies a aquest nou sistema és possible generar ràfegues de dades a partir de paquets IP de manera ràpida i senzilla optimitzant el temps de computació del procés i aprofitant l'ampla de banda del sistema de comunicacions. Es busquen empreses interessades en l'explotació comercial de la tecnologia i/o en establir acords de col.laboració R+D.  
Ref. MKT2010/0020_I

Nou mètode per la calibració totalment adaptativa d'un codificador d'errors de predicció.
Un equip d'investigadors de la UB i la UPC han desenvolupat un excel.lent sistema de compressió de dades sense pèrdues de gran utilitat per aplicacions que necessitin al mateix temps alts ratis de compressió i ràpida velocitat d'operació. El sistema anomenat  FAPEC (Fully Adaptive Prediction Error Coder) és més ràpid i mé robust que l'actual estàndard de compressió de dades sense pèrdues del CCSDS. Es busquen empreses interessades en l'explotació comercial de la tecnologia i/o en establir col.laboración R+D. 
Ref. MKT2010/0001_I

Nou dispositiu per la distribució de la senyal òptica
S'ha desenvolupat un nou dispositiu per la distribució de la senyal òptica entre més de 4000 usuaris sense divisió de la potència de la senyal. Aquesta tecnologia és de gran interès per operadors FTTH (Fiber-To-The-Home)  i fabricants d'equips FTTH per desenvolupar una nova generació de xarxa PON (Passive-Optical-Network). Es busquen empreses interessades en l'explotació comercial de la tecnologia i/o en establir acords de col.laboració R+D.
Ref. MKT2011/0024_I

Sistema i procediment per la localització passiva de nodes sense fils.
S'ha desenvolupat un nou procediment pel posicionament de nodes sense fils d'una menra passiva, per exemple, escoltant la radio. Aquesta tecnologia pot ser utilitzada per qualsevol sistema de localització en grans xarxes o en entorns limitats, per exemple ambients interiors.  Es busquen empreses interessades en l'explotació comercial de la tecnologia i/o en establir acords de col.laoració R+D. 
Ref. MKT2011/0027_I

Procés i sistema per calcular distàncies entre nodes sense fils.
Nou procediment per calcular distàncies entre nodes sense fils que no requereix l'adaptació del hardware. Aquest procediment permet un desenvolupament fàcil de sistemes de localització utilitzant qualsevol tecnologia (per exemple, IEEE 802.11). És particularment d'interès per aplicacions d'interior. Es busquen empreses interessades en l'explotació comercial i/o en establir col.laboración R+D. 
Ref. MKT2011/0023_I

Procediment per l'estimació de la topografia de la superficie de la Terra en àrees amb cobertura vegetal.
Un grup de recerca de la UPC en col.laboració amb el German Aerospace Center (DLR) ha desenvolupat un nou procediment per a l'estimació de la topografiade la superficie de la Terra en àrres amb cobertura vegetal, a partir del càlcul de la fase topogràfica mitjançant dades obtingudes amb sistemes coherents multicanals polarimètrics. Es busquen empreses interesssades en l'explotació comercial de la tecnologia i/o en establir acords de col.laboració R+D. 
Ref. MKT2010/0021_I

Nova tecnologia per emmagatzemar la màxima energia ambient per dispositius de baixa potència.
S'ha desenvolupat un nou mètode per cercar el punt de màxima potència (MPPT) de transductors de baixa potència. Pot ser de gran utilitat per alimentar dispositius de baixa potència mitjnaçant energia de l'ambient. Per exemple, per alimentar xarxa de sensors o dispositius mòbils mitjançant energia òptica, tèrmica o mecànica. Es busquen empreses interessades en l'explotació comercial de la tecnologia i/o en establir acords de col.laboració R+D. 
Ref. MKT2010/0003_I

Nou dispositiu d'ona acústica i filtre per aplicacions d'alta frequència.
Dispositiu d'ona acústica amb una o més capes compensatòries dielèctriques  que compensen unes senyals espuries generades per unes no linealitats intrínsiques substancialment independents de la temperatura. Representa una solució per mitigar les senyals espuries produides en els filtres BAW o SAW. Tecnologia de gran interès per a fabricants de transductors lab-on-a-chip, sensors mecànics, etc. Es busquen empreses interessades en l'explotació comercial de la tecnologia i/o en establir acords de col.laboració R+D. 
Ref. MKT2010/0002_I

Antena reflatarray de feix reconfigurable per a les freqüencies en els rangs de terrahercis i d'ondes milimètriques
Antena reflactarray de feix reconfigurable per freqüencies ene les rangs de terahercis i d'ondes milimètriques. L'antena reflectarray consisteix en un agrupament pla de cel.les desfasadores il.luminat per un alimentador que produeiex un feix conformat reconfigurable electrònicament, on les cel.les desfassadores estan formades per varies capes apilades d'elements conductors sobre un substrat dielèctric del cristall liquid i un pla conductor. Aplicant tencions de polarització en els elements conductors es varia la constant dielèctrica del cristall liquid produint un canvi de fase del camp reflexat en cada desafassadora, el que permet realitzar una reconfiguració electrònica del feix. L'antena es pot aplicar per satèl.lits d'observació, comunicacions i sistemes de seguretat. Es busquen empreses interessades en l'explotació comercial de la tecnologia i/o en establir acords de col.laboració R+D.  
Ref. MKT2011/0026_I


Multilingual Translator


A training method for multilingual neural machine translation systems that is efficiently extendable to new languages and data modalities