
Application process

The UNITECH application process has 3 main stages:

1. Presentation of your application, online through the UNITECH website.

Please go to:
and read and follow the instructions.

Please prepare in advance all the questions and the required information indicated in that web page(language certificate, transcript of records, list of subjects in your proposed study plan at the host university, your picture, your CV..).

Please note that the application tool closes automatically in the indicated deadline. Applications sent by e-mail or presented in paper will be rejected; only the applications presented online in the UNITECH website will be valid.


2. Pre-selection (if necessary)
If necessary, depending on the number of applicants, there would be a pre-selection of candidates at the home university.
Usually, if there are more than 15 candidates a pre-selection has to be done.

In UPC, the main criterion for the pre-selection are the academic records; more specifically, the average grade (nota mitjana), ponderated by the average grade of graduates of that specific UPC degree. (nota mitjana de l'estudiant, ponderada per la nota mitjana de titulats de la seva titulació; a fi i efecte de poder comparar els estudiants UPC de diferents titulacions entre si).
Apart from this criterion, other aspects can be taken into account: level of English language, CV and previous professional experience (if any), other languages than English (if any).

(*: Nota: En cas que en el moment de presentar la seva sol·licitud UNITECH l'estudiant de Màster encara no tingués notes del Màster, la nota mitjana de l'estudiant que es tindria en compte per a la pre-selecció és la seva nota del Grau que li ha donat al Màster.)

3. UNITECH Assessment Center
A mandatory and online selection event, called the "Assessment Center" (AC), that will take place on a specific date.