Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Telefónica Cognitive IoT Chair, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Pompeu Fabra University

Director Lluís Jofre Roca
Location UPCmaps
Phone 93 401 68 19 / 56 31
E-mail romeu@tsc.upc.edu
Website https://catedratelefonica.upc.edu/
The Chair, sponsored by Telefónica Móviles España and shared with the Pompeu Fabra University, is managed at the UPC by the professor Lluís Jofre Roca. Its main aim is to generate knowledge in the areas of the Chair, which are related to the evolution of cognitive IoT (scientific and technological evolution, socioeconomic evolution, evolution of training) between 2020 and 2030. Its specific aims are:
  1. To share research results on the chosen topics with researchers of both universities so as to enhance collaboration through shared knowledge and the joint supervision of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral theses.
  2. To participate in designing and developing knowledge transfer activities that involve students and researchers from both universities.
  3. To develop a joint communication strategy for actions involving teaching and research in order to maximise their impact on society through the use of existing channels and by reaching out to a wider audience beyond the university community.