Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

UNESCO Chair of Higher Education Management (CUDU)

Director Vicenç Fernández (director acadèmic)
Directory Staff Directory
Location UPCmaps
Phone 93 401 58 46
E-mail catedra.direccionuniversitaria@(upc.edu)
Website http://cudu.upc.edu
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The mission of the UNESCO Chair of Higher Education Management of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC),  which was created as a result of an agreement between the two institutions in 1998, is to foster the excellence of management and administration in higher education institutions by promoting quality, innovation and social commitment through debate, dissemination of policies, training, curricula, consultancy and knowledge management. The UNESCO Chair of Higher Education Management operates by organising conferences and seminars, publishing material and maintaining a presence in the national and international media and forums of debate on higher education and through consultancy for Spanish and Latin American universities.