Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Accessibility Chair: Architecture, Design and Technology for All

Director Daniel Guasch Murillo
Location UPCmaps
Phone 93 896 72 45
E-mail accessibilitat@(upc.edu)
Website http://www.catac.upc.edu/
The Accessibility Chair concentrates its action, in the field of architecture and engineering, on the promotion of equal opportunities for the disabled, handicapped or people who depend on third persons, by combining the efforts, knowledge and experiences carried out within UPC's community.

Having set this goal, a framework objective was put forward to enable these people to access any environment autonomously, whether it be architectural, technological or knowledge-based. Therefore, the Chair focuses it efforts on three lines of action: making technology usable by all, eliminating all barriers and, lastly, improving access to information and knowledge: that is to say, info-accessibility.

These lines of action are applied to two complementary platforms: the university, with the idea that it will become a point of reference in this area, and the business, associative and institutional fabric surrounding it, with the idea that it will to contribute its capacity for work to the common good. Consequently, all matters and projects related to every kind of disability or handicap are treated with special care, including physical, sensory and mental disabilities and making no discrimination because of sex, age, religion or origin. In other words: architecture, design and technology for everybody.

The Chair was created in March 2005 and depends directly on UPC's Board of Management; through a vice-rector. It is given specific administrative support by the Society and Region Area, Programme UPC 21.