2019-2020 academic year
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Aerospace Engineering
Master's degree in
Aerospace Engineering
Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering (ESEIAAT)
Specialisations: Aerospace Vehicles / Airports / Propulsion / Space / Air Navigation (EETAC)
Master's degree in
Aerospace Science and Technology (MAST)
Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering (EETAC)
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Applications and Technologies for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones)
Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering (EETAC)
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Space and Aeronautical Engineering
Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering (ESEIAAT)
Applied Sciences
Erasmus Mundus
master's degree in
Bio and Pharmaceutical Materials Science (BIOPHAM)
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Erasmus Mundus
master's degree in
Photonics Engineering, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics (Europhotonics)
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Master's degree in
Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering (MAMME)
School of Mathematics and Statistics (FME)
Master's degree in
Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB)
Master's degree in
Computer Vision
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Master's degree in
Engineering Physics
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Master's degree in
Occupational Health and Safety
Barcelona School of Building Construction (EPSEB)
Master's degree in
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Master's degree in
Pure and Applied Logic
Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB)
Master's degree in
Quantum Science and Technology
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Master's degree in
Statistics and Operations Research
School of Mathematics and Statistics (FME)
Architecture, Urbanism and Building Construction
Master's degree in
Advanced Building Construction
Barcelona School of Building Construction (EPSEB)
Master's degree in
Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona (MBArch)
Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB)
Specialisations: Contemporary Project/ Urban and Architectural Management and Valuation / Urbanism / Process, Design and Programming / Theory, History and Culture / Architecture, Energy and Environment / Technological Innovation in Architecture / Architectural Restoration and Rehabilitation
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Advanced Studies in Design-Barcelona (MBDesign)
Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB)
Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering (ESEIAAT)
Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering (EPSEVG)
Specialisations: Contemporary Design / Design, Innovation and Technology / Industrial Design Engineering / Art Direction in Design / Design Research
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB)
Master's degree in
Vallès School of Architecture (ETSAV)
Master's degree in
Building Construction Management
Barcelona School of Building Construction (EPSEB)
Master's degree in
Diagnosis and Intervention Techniques in Building Construction
Barcelona School of Building Construction (EPSEB)
Master's degree in
Landscape Architecture (MBLandArch)
Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB)
Barcelona School of Agri-Food and Biosystems Engineering (EEABB)
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Real Estate Development and Management
Barcelona School of Building Construction (EPSEB)
Master's degree in
Sustainable Intervention in the Built Environment (MISMeC)
Vallès School of Architecture (ETSAV)
Biosystems and Agri-Food Engineering
Master's degree in
Agronomical Engineering
Barcelona School of Agri-Food and Biosystems Engineering (EEABB)
Master's degree in
Barcelona School of Agri-Food and Biosystems Engineering (EEABB)
Master's degree in
Enabling Technologies for the Food and Bioprocessing Industry (TECH4AGRI+FOOD)
Barcelona School of Agri-Food and Biosystems Engineering (EEABB)
Business Management and Organisation
Master's Degree in
Marketing Technologies
Euncet University Business School (EUNCET)
Master's degree in
Business Administration and Management
Euncet University Business School (EUNCET)
Specialisations: General Management / International Business
Civil Engineering
Erasmus Mundus
master's degree in
Coastal and Marine Engineering and Management (CoMEM)
Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB)
Erasmus Mundus
master's degree in
Flood Risk Management
Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB)
Erasmus Mundus
master's degree in
Risk Assessment and Management of Civil Infrastructures (NORISK)
Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB)
Master's degree in
Civil Engineering
Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB)
Specialisations: Computational Engineering / Environmental Engineering and Sustainability / Geotechnical Engineering / Structural Engineering and Construction / Transport Engineering and Urbanism / Water Engineering
Master's degree in
Geotechnical Engineering
Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB)
Specialisations: Geotechnical Engineering / Groundwater Hydrology / Earthquake Engineering and Geophysics
Master's degree in
Mining Engineering
Manresa School of Engineering (EPSEM)
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Numerical Methods in Engineering
Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB)
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Oceanography and Marine Management
Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB)
Master's degree in
Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions (SAHC)
Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB)
Master's degree in
Structural and Construction Engineering
Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB)
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Urban Mobility
(linked to the EIT Urban Moblity programme)
Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB)
Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB)
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB)
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Pre-enrolment opened
Health Sciences and Technology
Erasmus Mundus
master's degree in
Bio and Pharmaceutical Materials Science (BIOPHAM)
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Master's degree in
Biomedical Engineering
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Master's degree in
Health Data Science
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Master's degree in
Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Master's degree in
Optometry and Vision Sciences
Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry (FOOT)
Pre-enrolment opened
Industrial Engineering
Erasmus Mundus
master's degree in
Dynamics of Renewables-based Power Systems
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Erasmus Mundus
master's degree in
Advanced Materials Science and Engineering (AMASE)
Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE)
Erasmus Mundus
master's degree in
Decentralised Smart Energy Systems (DENSYS)
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Erasmus Mundus
master's degree in
Hydrogen Systems and Enabling Technologies (HySET)
Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE)
Erasmus Mundus
master's degree in
Science in Fire Safety Engineering (IMFSE)
Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE)
Erasmus Mundus
master's degree in
Sustainable Systems Engineering (EMSSE)
Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE)
Master's degree in
Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE)
Master's degree in
Advanced Studies in Design-Barcelona (MBDesign)
Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB)
Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering (ESEIAAT)
Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering (EPSEVG)
Specialisations: Contemporary Design / Design, Innovation and Technology / Industrial Design Engineering / Art Direction in Design / Design Research
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Automatic Control and Robotics
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Master's degree in
Automatic Systems and Industrial Electronics Engineering
Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering (ESEIAAT)
Specialisations: Optimal Management of Electrical Energy / Advanced Production and Automation Technologies
Master's degree in
Automatic Systems and Industrial Electronics Engineering
Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering (EPSEVG)
Specialisations: Intelligent systems
Master's degree in
Automotive Engineering
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Specialisations: Engines and Mechanics / Electromobility / Connected Vehicles and Assisted Driving
Master's degree in
Biomedical Engineering
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Master's degree in
Chemical Engineering
Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE)
Specialisations: Smart Polymer Engineering / Green Chemical Process Engineering
Master's degree in
Electric Power Systems and Drives
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Master's degree in
Energy Engineering
(linked to the EIT InnoEnergy programme)
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Specialisations: Renewable Energies / Electrical Energy / Thermal Energy / Energy Management.
The master’s degree is part of the
educational project, as are the following International master’s degrees:
Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems (SELECT)
Renewable Energy (RENE)
Energy for Smart Cities
Smart Electrical Networks and Systems (SENSE)
Master's degree in
Industrial Engineering
Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering (ESEIAAT)
Specialisations: Mechanics / Construction and Structures / Electrical Engineering / Thermal Energetics / Industrial Scheduling / Fibrous Biomaterials / Technical Textiles and Mulltifunctional Structures / Biomedical Engineering
Master's degree in
Industrial Engineering
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Specialisations: Automatic Control / Biomedical Engineering / Electricity / Electronic Engineering / Energy / Environment and Chemistry / IT for Industry / Materials / Mechanics / Industrial Scheduling / Stuctures and Construction
Master's degree in
Interdisciplinary and Innovative Engineering
Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE)
Specialisations: Efficient Systems / Advanced Manufacturing Systems / Healthcare and Biomedical Applications
Master's degree in
Management Engineering
Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering (ESEIAAT)
Master's degree in
Management Engineering
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Master's degree in
Mechanical Technologies
Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE)
Master's degree in
Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Master's degree in
Nuclear Engineering
(linked to the InnoEnergy EIT programme)
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Master's degree in
Paper and Graphics Technology
Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering (ESEIAAT)
Master's degree in
Polymers and Bioplastics
Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE)
Master's degree in
Research in Mechanical Engineering
Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering (ESEIAAT)
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Master's degree in
Technology and Engineering Management
Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering (ESEIAAT)
Master's degree in
Textile Design and Technology
Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering (ESEIAAT)
Master's degree in
Thermal Engineering
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Master's degree in
Urban Mobility
(linked to the EIT Urban Moblity programme)
Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB)
Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB)
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)
Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB)
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Pre-enrolment opened
Informatics Engineering
Erasmus Mundus Master in
Big Data Management and Analytics (BDMA)
Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB)
Erasmus Mundus
master's degree in
Communications, Engineering and Data Science (CoDaS)
Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering (EETAC)
Master's degree in
Artificial Intelligence
Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB)
Master's degree in
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB)
Master's degree in
Data Science
Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB)
Master's degree in
Informatics Engineering
Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB)
Master's degree in
Innovation and Research in Informatics (MIRI)
Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB)
Specialisations: Advanced Computing / Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality / Computer Networks and Distributed Systems / High Performance Computing / Service Engineering
Master's degree in
Machine Learning and Cybersecurity for Internet-Connected Systems
Manresa School of Engineering (EPSEM)
Pre-enrolment opened
Naval, Marine and Nautical Engineering
Master's degree in
Nautical Science and Maritime Transport Management
Barcelona School of Nautical Studies (FNB)
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Barcelona School of Nautical Studies (FNB)
Specialisations: Yacht and Pleasure Craft Design / Ocean Energies
Master's degree in
the Management and Operation of Marine Energy Facilities
Barcelona School of Nautical Studies (FNB)
Pre-enrolment opened
Teacher Training and Gender Studies
Master's degree in
Secondary and Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Foreign Language Teaching
Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB)
Specialisations: Industrial Technologies / Technology
Master's degree in
Secondary and Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Foreign Language Teaching (Mathematics specialisation)
School of Mathematics and Statistics (FME)
Specialisations: Mathematics
Master's degree in
Women's, Gender and Citizenship Studies
Interuniversity Women's and Gender Studies Institute (IIEDG)
Specialisations: Theory, Criticism and Culture / Women, Work and Public Policy
Telecommunications Engineering
Erasmus Mundus
master's degree in
Communications, Engineering and Data Science (CoDaS)
Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering (EETAC)
Master's degree in
Advanced Telecommunication Technologies
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering (EETAC)
Master's degree in
Applications and Technologies for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones)
Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering (EETAC)
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Applied Telecommunications and Engineering Management (MASTEAM)
Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering (EETAC)
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB)
Master's degree in
Electronic Engineering (MEE)
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Master's degree in
Machine Learning and Cybersecurity for Internet-Connected Systems
Manresa School of Engineering (EPSEM)
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Quantum Science and Technology
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Master's degree in
Semiconductor Engineering and Microelectronic Design
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Specialisations: Semiconductor Engineering / Microelectronic Design
Master's degree in
Telecommunications Engineering (MET)
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Antennas, Microwaves and Photonics for Communications and Earth Observation
Fibre Optic Communications
Internet Networks and Technologies
Wireless Communications
The Environment, Sustainability and Natural Resources
Master's degree in
Environmental Engineering
Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB)
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Natural Resources Engineering
Manresa School of Engineering (EPSEM)
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Sustainability Science and Technology
University Research Institute for Sustainability Science and Technology (ISUPC)
Pre-enrolment opened
Master's degree in
Sustainable Intervention in the Built Environment (MISMeC)
Vallès School of Architecture (ETSAV)
100% English
100% Spanish
Blended learning
All day
120 ECTS
Double degree
Erasmus Mundus
EIT programme
Sant Cugat del Vallès
Vilanova i la Geltrú
New 2024-25
Pre-enrolment opened
Spring 2025
Autumn 2025
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