


The Centre Català del Plàstic (CCP) is a public R&D centre. It is a consortium integrated by the Generalitat de Catalunya, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the Terrassa Town Council and the most representative associations from the plastics indusrial sector. Created in 1993, the CCP aims to be an instrument at the service of company improvement and this spirit continues today.

In 1996, the CCP started its activities around the R&D and the technology transfer to the company, including technical trainig. After more than a decade of experience, the CCP is a widely recognized center in its area of expertise, with an experienced research team working accordingly to the standards of excellence. The international recognition received for ts research and company projects is the best guarantee about the scientific/technological quality on the R&D carried out by the CCP.


"Create, innovate, develop and disseminate research, need advice and/or innovative solutions withi the framework of our lines of research, companies and entities related to the plastics sector".


El CCP which is part of the network TECNIO, place itself at the service of both private companies and public bodies with a clear objective: helping them towards the successful completion of their projects.






 · See Anual Report 2022