Emprèn UPC

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), through the Emprèn UPC program, offers its students / recent graduates, services, activities and work spaces to develop innovative projects / new business ideas.

Emprèn UPC: Pre-incubation program for technology-based projects (initial phase).

This program is supported by the Barcelona City Council (Barcelona Activa) in Barcelona and the Mutua d'Enginyers in Terrassa. In general, Banco Santander also contributes to the development of its activity.

The Emprèn UPC spaces have assigned work tables, meeting rooms, common areas and shared resources.

The hosted projects receive advice from the coordination teams; They also have access to mentors, specific training activities and other shared resources.

Espais Emprèn UPC: Barcelona (Campus Nord), Castelldefels (Campus del Baix Llobregat), Terrassa and Vilanova i la Geltrú