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From the raw material to the proyect with parametric tools



Marta Domènech


A-13, A-14


Tuesday 08:00-10:00
Thursday 08:30-10:30


In this academic year 2019-2020 the Department of Architectural Design incorporates a new elective subject of 5 ECTS in the Bachelor Degree. This is a theorical-practical subject and it aims to re-introduce the material thinking in the teaching of the architectural design with new digital tools and with the teaching help of local  craftsmen.

The workshop focuses in exploring the spatial capacities of the raw materials (in the 2019-20 edition will be cork and hearth). It doesn't require previous experiencie in building or crafts, but it takes a will and a critical actitude to think through doing, acting; and the physical and intelectual participation in the collaborative work.

The workshop combines the theorical classes with small practical exercises in which depeen in the knowledge of the material's physical properties, their extraction, the work of crafts with these materials, their industrial use; and it is combined with the teaching of parametrical designn tools. The subject is completed with the building of a small habitational module that will be exposed in the courtyard of the School of Architecture.


