

The INTEXTER is an academic unity of “Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya” founded in 1962, whose main objective is research promotion in the textile industry and related sector, as well as industrial cooperation by essays, appraisals, standardization work, homologation and certification.

It was founded in 1954 by Professor Daniel Blanxart, it was declared official centre by Ministerial Order in 10.6.1964 (BOE August 3rd). In 1987, it was named Auxiliary Laboratory of “Junta de Sanejament de la Generalitat de Catalunya” and in 1966 it was declared, collaborating entity of ambient Department for granting eco-labels of European Union in the following products: a) bed linen and T-shirts and b) household washing detergents (20/XII/96 Generalitat Catalunya resolution).

The Institute participates in R+D projects with local, state and European public funding or in agreement with private companies. It has participated in different European Projects as: BRITE-EURAM, SPRINT, FORCE, LIFE, CRAFT, TEMPUS.

A huge number of professors and researchers take part of the standardization committee (ISO, CEN, UNE).

The training of researchers is another objective of the Institute and for this reason, it’s part of the academic direction of the Interdepartmental Doctoral Program in textile and paper engineering, as well as the Doctoral Program in Environmental Engineering, both of the UPC.

The Institute is a member of the Technological Innovation Centre in UPC (CIT-UPC), it is recognized as a developed centre TECNIO of Agency for Company competitiveness in Generalitat de Catalunya, and it takes part of international network of Textile Transfer Network (TEXTRANET).