
Regireu Project

Research in technologies of water regeneration and risk management for reuse (REGiREU))

Research in technologies of water regeneration and risk management for reuse (REGiREU)

The Regireu project, in the frame work of the RIS3CAT 2016 call and the Operational Program FEDER for Catalonia 2014-2020, its main objective is to develop innovative and competitive technology worldwide that will overcome the main technological barriers that limit the implementation of urban and industrial wastewater regeneration for late reuse. The Regireu project must generate new knowledge needed to develop technology that provides competitive advantages over current technology and position the water sector in Catalonia among the world’s leading suppliers of technology for wastewater regeneration.

This project has been co-financed by European found of Regional Development in European Union in the frame work of Operational Program FEDER for Catalonia 2014-2020 with the gran for whole project of 760.446,23€ and in detail for “Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya” of 85.530,89€.