Fashion Earth Alliance

Fashion Earth Alliance – Vocational Excellence and Enterprise united for training, policy reform, and sustainability in the fashion, textiles and apparel industries


The origins of the project lie in the shortage of skilled staff in the textile and fashion industry. Because of the massive closure of the last decades, the sector has lost its attractiveness for young people and today textile companies are finding it increasingly difficult to attract new talent, especially with advanced digital skills.

On the other hand, the project responds to the need for a green and sustainable transition of the textile industry. Fashion is considered as one of the most polluting industry, partly because of the recent trends like fast fashion.

SMEs and SMEs (future) workers need to develop more competences in green fashion, in order to boost the green transformation of the sector. These competences should be acquired already during the vocational and university training of the future textile workers considered among the most polluting industries in terms of both production and subsequent disposal.


FEA-VEE contributes to attract more young people in the fashion, textiles and clothing sectors, and thus, in producing new workforce that is VET recognized, skilled and competent for the 21st century labour needs, trained through work-based training and apprenticeships in direct liaison with the industry.

Furthermore, the project aims at the development in the fashion, textiles and clothing sectors of greener, more circular and sustainable economic models, as well as more ethical and concentrated on fair trade values.

More widely, FEA-VEE wishes to establish a Green Entrepreneurship policy reform pathway for incorporating sustainability concerns within entrepreneurial planning, while promoting entrepreneurship through start-ups and incubation, as well as entrepreneurial skills and competences among the workforce within educational institutions and after graduation as part of lifelong learning.

Among the FEA-VEE project activities, the project partnership will be engaged in the creation of innovative training materials for teachers and trainers in the textile sector. Furthermore, the implementation of a transnational cooperation platform is foreseen in order to match students and workers with training and internship opportunities throughout Europe. Finally, some partners will take care of the organization of short mobility courses for students to be held in Germany and Spain.

UPC team managers

José A. Tornero (responsible)

Francesc Cano, M. Carmen Domènech, Carla Fité

Web page

Project identification

101055934 -ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PEX-COVE - Programme: ERASMUS2027