Jornada: "Comercialització de software: limitacions i oportunitats", amb Malcolm Bain

Objectius de la jornada

  • Entendre quins tipus de llicències de software poden derivar dels projectes desenvolupats en l’entorn universitari  i quin és el seu valor estratègic pels grups de recerca
  • Aprendre a identificar punts forts i febles de la nostra estratègia d’innovació en l’entorn del software lliure.
  • Conèixer bones practiques en desenvolupament, valorització, negociació i transferència de llicències de software.


La jornada s’iniciarà amb una introducció teòrica de l’entorn de les llicències de software i més concretament en l’entorn 'Open Source' per part d’un jurista expert en dret de Propietat Intel·lectual - Industrial en aquesta àrea. Continuant amb una explicació breu de casos reals i un debat participatiu entre els ponents i els assistents a la jornada on es platejarà com organitzar els projectes, gestionar les llicències i l’estratègia d’explotació i els diferents models de negoci.


Dia 13/11/2017. Llicencies de software i projectes de recerca en l’entorn del software lliure 

Ubicació: Aula Màster Edifici A3

10:00 - 11:30  Presentació entorn llicencies de software i més concretament modalitats en l’entorn del software lliure. Explotació del software lliure i models de negoci.
11:30 - 11:50  Coffee Break
11:50 - 12:15     Explicació breu casos de projectes.
12:15 - 13:00

Taula rodona, debat i preguntes. 


Malcolm Bain

Malcolm Bain is a practising lawyer who specialises in Information Technology law and Intellectual Property law. He has a wide experience in the legal aspects of information technology transactions, with a special focus on the legal issues of open source software and content. He has participated in various R+D projects and written and lectured on many aspects of IT law, e-commerce and internet regulation. His pro bono activities include participation and advising several free and open software projects and communities. R+D projects have included the legal aspects of ecommerce, open source software, virtual ecosystems and autonomous software agents for several European funded R&D projects. 

Carlos Álvarez

Carlos Álvarez received the M.S. and Ph.D degrees in Computer Science from the Technical University of Catalunya (UPC) in 1998 and 2007, respectively. He currently holds a position as Tenured Assistant Professor in the Computer Architecture Department at UPC, BarcelonaTech, and is an associated researcher at the Computer Sciences Programming Models Department at BSC-CNS. His research interests cover the areas of parallel architectures, runtime systems and reconfigurable solutions for high-performance multiprocessor systems. He has coauthored more than 40 publications in international journals and conferences. He is currently advising 2 PhD students and has co-advised 2 PhD theses. He has been participating in the HiPEAC Network of Excellence and in the AXIOM and EuroEXA European projects.

Jorge Ejarque

Jorge Ejarque holds a PhD on Computer Science (2015) a MSc. on Computer Architecture Networks and Systems (2009) and an engineering degree on Telecommunications (2005) from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). In 2005, he worked as IT consultant in Better Consulting. Since the end of 2005 to 2008, he worked as research support engineer at UPC and at the end of 2008, he joined to the Grid Computing group at BSC. During his career at the BSC, he has contributed in the design and development of different tools and programming models for HPC in distributed platforms. He has been involved in several National and European R&D projects. He has been member of a program committee of several international conferences and reviewer of journal articles. He was a member of the Spanish National Grid Initiative panel. His current research interests are focused on introducing energy efficiency in parallel programming models for heterogeneous parallel distributed computing environments and semantic interoperability between distributed computing platforms.

Mariano Vázquez

Since 2005, MV leads the research team for High Performance Computational Mechanics (HPCM Team) in the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, in Spain. His team’s main task is to develop Computational Mechanics tools adapted to run efficiently in large-scale parallel computers. Together with Dr. Guillaume Houzeaux, they are the main architects of Alya, the in-house parallel multi-physics simulation tool, co-supervising a task force of around 40 researchers and programmers. MV's main research lines fall within Computational Science. One of his main interests is in Bio-Mechanics at organ and system level. His team develops a simulation tool to study the cardiovascular system, Alya Red CCM (Cardiac Computational Model) from the heart up to the small arterioles in the brain, targeted to biomedical researchers in both academia and the pharmaceutical industry. Infarction, ageing, aneurisms rupture risk, arrhythmias, stent design or drug delivery are among the topics where the CCM can become a decisive help. MV is also scientist at the Spanish National Scientific Council CSIC. 

Enllaços d'interès  


Free Software Foundation

- Free Software Definition: en línea en y “What is copyleft” en

Open Source Initiative

- Open Source Definition, en y “Frequently Asked Questions” en

Software Freedom Law Centre (2008)

- A Legal Issues Primer for Open Source and Free Software Projects. En línea en



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