
Water analysis and treatments

Search line summary

Although having care to minimize the chemical products, water and energy consumption during the production process, at the end there are liquid effluents with organic and inorganic products, some of which are difficult to eliminate (dyes, flame retardants, antistatic, water and oil repellents, surfactants, salts, etc.).

In this line, the behaviour and improvement of the different purification processes in the purification of industrial effluents are studied. We work both in biological processes (activated sludge, membranes bioreactors – MBR, mobile bed reactors – MBBR, etc.) and with physic-chemical processes (coagulation-flocculation, membranes, advanced oxidation electrochemical processes…).

The research focuses mainly on solving the problems of effluents from the textile industry, but also from other industrial sectors such as fine chemicals, detergents, food, etc.

La recerca se centra principalment per resoldre els problemes dels efluents de l’industria tèxtil, però també d’altres sectors industrials com la química fina, detergents, alimentari etc.


Main lines of research

  • Studies in pilot plant and advanced purification treatments.
  • Pilot plants in situ.
  • Laboratory pilot plants.
  • Effluents colour removal studies
  • Study of new coagulants
  • Optimization of treatment plants
  • Design calculations and modification of debugging processes.
  • Mathematical modelling of debugging processes.



  • Process and wastewater analysis
  • Forensic analysis and determination of the DUCA
  • Effluent purification studies
  • Optimization of wastewater treatment plants