General Information on how to file a complaint


Who can file a complaint with the Ombuds Office?


  • Any member of the university community, individually or as part of a group, who has an interest in the subject of the complaint.


How can I file a complaint?



What must the complaint include?


There is no standard format but it must include at least the following:

  • Name of the person filing the complaint
  • Contact details
  • A brief description of the facts of the complaint, query or application
  • Any supporting documents you consider necessary


How is the complaint processed?


  • The person who has filed the complaint will receive the registration numer of his request and he will be informed of whether it has been admitted within fiveteen days.
  • The person who has filed the complaint will be informed of the result of the investigation carried out and any proposals and suggestions made.


What complaints will not be admitted?


  • Groundless complaints.
  • Complaints that are pending a court decision.
  • Anonymous complaints.
  • Complaints that have no credibility or that do not formulate a claim correctly.
  • Complaints filed in bad faith or with clear prejudice to third parties.
  • Complaints that refer to facts or situations that have occurred over six months ago.


Complaints will be resolved within six months.


Rights of the person filing the complaint


  • The right to the Ombuds Office's free services.
  • The right to have the confidentiality of the personal details, other information provided and the actions taken during the investigation protected.
  • The right to be informed by the Ombuds Officer of the results of the actions taken.