

The Ombuds Office is governed by Spanish and Catalan legislation, the UPC Statutes and the internal regulations of the Ombuds Office.

Spanish legislation

Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, on Universities, fourteenth additional provision, on the Ombuds Office, which establishes its compulsory existence and its functions.

Royal Decree 1791/2010, of 30 December, approving the University Student Statutes, Article 46, The Ombuds Office.


Catalan legislation

Law 1/2003, of 19 February, on Universities in Catalonia, Part II, on the university community, Chapter I, general provisions, Article 31, on the university community's ombuds officer.


UPC regulations

The Statutes of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya currently in force, approved in Agreement GOV/43/2012, of 29 May, Part VII, The Ombuds Officer, contain articles on the nature, functions, collaboration, appointment and economic system (articles 221 to 225).


The regulations of the UPC's Ombuds Office, approved by the Board of Trustees on 19 February in Agreement 11/2013.


Other regulations