Event to present the 2017 edition of the CYD Ranking and a round table on the utility of university rankings

The results of the 2017 edition of the CYD Ranking were presented by the director of the ranking, Martí Parellada. To mark the occasion, the publishers organised a round table, chaired by Francesc Solé Parellada, vice-president of Fundación CYD, on “The utility of university rankings”.

Round table participants included Manuel Assunçao, rector of the University of Aveiro; Ramon Carbonell, chair of the UPC Board of Trustees and vice-president of the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP); Manuel Cermerón, general director of the Aqua Development Network; Josep M. Garrell, rector of the Ramon Llull University; and Jorge Sáinz, the Spanish government’s general Secretary of Universities.

  • Date: 25 May 2017
  • Place: Cuatrecasas Auditorium, Barcelona
  • Organiser: Fundación CYD

The programme can be accessed at this link, and a summary of talks given at the event and the round table is available at this other link.