Infopack for EILC students


  • How to reach Barcelona

    Catalonia's main airport is Barcelona International Airport in El Prat, situated 12 km from the city. There are several ways of getting from the airport to the centre of Barcelona.

    • By train: trains leave the airport every 30 minutes, from 6.30 a.m. to 11.40 p.m. The railway company is called RENFE.
    • By bus: the Aerobus leaves the airport every 12 minutes, from 6 a.m. to 12 midnight, Monday to Friday, and from 6.30 a.m. to 12 midnight on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Please check the schedules.
    • By taxi: from the airport, you can take one of Barcelona's typical black and yellow taxis.

      Further information

  • Public transport in Barcelona

    The best ways of getting around Barcelona are the metro (subway) and bus, both of which provide a clean and efficient service. You can buy tickets for individual journeys for the metro and bus. However, if you are here for more than one day or intend to take more than 5 journeys on the metro or bus, we recommend buying the T10 ticket.

    Please see this map to find out how to reach the Universitat Politècnica's North Campus by public transport (metro or bus).


  • Resa Housing

    The UPC has an agreement with Resa Housing, a service specialised in student accommodation. Students are advised to contact Resa Housing via the Internet, e-mail or fax in order to determine the most suitable type of accommodation available (shared flat, rented apartment or university halls of residence).

    The staff at Barcelona Housing Service for Students will inform you of the cost of each option. If you decide to use their services, they will ensure that you can go straight to your chosen place of residence when you arrive in Barcelona.

    Resa Housing
    Torrent de l'Olla, 219, 08012 Barcelona
    +34 93 238 90 72

  • Other options

    There is another service offering student accommodation in Barcelona: Habitatge Jove

The city

Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, an autonomous region located in northeastern Spain. It has a surface area of 32,000 m2 and a population of 7 million. It is ruled by the Generalitat, the autonomous government of Catalonia. There are many things that make Barcelona a very attractive city to study and live in: its historical and architectural heritage, its cultural activities, its cosmopolitan nature and its privileged location by the Mediterranean Sea.

Course programme

  • Dates

    From August 27 to September 10, 2013.


  • Content

    The UPC's Erasmus Intensive Language Course combines language and cultural activities with outings and social and cultural events:

    • Welcome session.
    • Catalan language classroom (Basic): a classroom-based course that will enable you to follow classes taught in Catalan and meet everyday communication needs.
    • Conversation: Guided 120-minute sessions to practise conversing in Catalan.
    • Workshop on Catalan culture: a workshop that will provide insights into Catalonia and its culture, geography, history and art, in an informal, friendly atmosphere.
    • 80 things you need to know: a session on the Catalan way of life. Pick up useful information on how life functions in Catalonia: greeting someone you have just met, punctuality, eating out, body language, etc.
    • Outings and cultural activities: guided visits to places of historical and cultural interest.

  • Duration and delivery

    The UPC's Erasmus Intensive Language Course lasts 100 hours and includes face-to-face sessions and activities outside the classroom.

    • Hours in the classroom: 60
    • Hours out of the classroom: 20
    • Independent learning: 20

  • Location

    The classes will take place in a classroom on the North Campus, classroom building A6-205. Please see this map to find out how to reach the North Campus.

  • Schedule

    This schedule is provisional. You will be informed of any changes by e-mail.

Contact details

  • Information on the EILC

    The UPC's Erasmus Intensive Language Course is organised by the Language and Terminology Service. If you have any questions about the language course, please contact us at the address below.

    Language and Terminology Service
    Plaça Eusebi Güell, edifici Vèrtex
    UPC, Campus Nord
    +34 93 401 74 97

  • Academic information

    For information on applying for admission, deadlines, starting dates, eligibility for courses, content, etc., please contact the International Relations officers at the school or faculty where you will be studying as an Erasmus student.

    Contact details

  • General questions about the UPC

    If you have a question of a more general nature, please contact the International Mobility Office.

    Oficina de Mobilitat Internacional de Barcelona (OMI)
    Jordi Girona, 1-3
    UPC, Campus Nord
    +34 93 401 69 37