
Summer courses and languages abroad

Would you like to take a course abroad this summer? Maybe a language course? A summer course where you can practice your technical skills while you are practicing another language?


Due to the global health alert for COVID -19, many universities have changed the offer of their summer courses and others have switched them (partially or fully) into an online format. Find out on the website of each university about the possible format of the summer course

In this section you will find information about the summer courses offered by some universities around the world that send the information to our department.

The universities offer a wide range of courses like: engineering, economics and business, languages (English, French, Portuguese, etc.), and so on. Also, they are developed in many places around the world.

The information is sorted by destination countries.

(Note: this department disclaims any responsibility regarding the information and the quality of the courses, it only publicizes them.)

For further information about the courses, please contact directly with the specific program or the host university.