Erasmus Intensive Language Course, EILC

If you are an Erasmus student, gain knowledge of Catalan language and culture by taking this intensive course, which is part of the European Lifelong Learning Programme. The course is held before classes begin and facilitates social, cultural and academic integration into the host country.
Taula resgistres
Aimed at Erasmus students
Duration and delivery 100 h; with face-to-face sessions and out-of-class activities
Level Equivalent to the Common European Framework of Reference level A1.1
Number of credits 4 ECTS credits
Dates and timetable 27 August to 10 September,  2013 Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Some out-of-class activities will be held on Saturdays.
North Campus, classroom building --
Tutors SLT staff and collaborators
Fees Free
Registration Participants should apply for a grant at their university of origin to take this specific course.

For further information, visit the website of the Autonomous Body for European Educational Programmes.
Programme Information about the course
For further information, visit the website of the Vives region
Impressions from students
EILC 2011-2012 Video