UPC Orientation Week for international exchange and master's degree students: September'2024



Important note: The OW activities will take place in a BLENDED format
(it is, with activities both online and in person, on campus).


The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) organises different online sessions as a kind of "Orientation Week" (OW). The OW is basically addressed to international students who have to start their studies at the UPC in the 2024-2025 autumn semester. (The semester that starts in September' 2024.)

The OW includes an institutional welcome, information on compulsory legal procedures, and information about the main UPC services that can be of interest of the students during their stay, and an introductory workshop on Catalan language and culture.

Orientation Week dates

The Orientation Week activities will take place PROGRESSIVELY, between July and September.

  • In July-August: students will receive progressively e-mails with links to online information to prepare their trip, arrival and stay. In addition, there is a set of online sessions about different topics.
    Students will receive directly in their email a message  with the links to attend the online sessions.
  • September: presential (face-to-face, on campus) activities.
    Students from ETSEIB and EEBE schools do not have to attend these OW sessions, as they have their own welcome week at their school.
    There will be face-to-face OW sessions on different dates. The sessions will be the same, so students can select ONE session; the session that suits them best, depending on their arrival date and the date in which they start their classes.
    (Note: two of the face-to-face sessions will have a different schedule, due to organizational reasons, but the content is the same. They are marked with an asterisk in the list of dates.)

    The dates of the face-to-face OW sessions will be:
    - September 3rd
    - September 5th*  (with the workshop about Catalan language and culture in the early afternoon)
    - September 6th  
    September 9th*  (with the workshop about Catalan language and culture on September 10th, in the morning)
    - September 13th
    - September 17th 
    --> - September 27th (Free spots available :)

    UPC international students will receive an email in August, to register for the session that best suits them.

    We strongly recommend attending one of the face-to-face sessions upon arrival in Spain.
    Choose one presential OW session, register in August, and attend to it in September!
    (Select your OW session according to your arrival date in Spain.)

    Note: In case that on 16/08 you have not received an email with a link to register for an presential OW session, you can contact us at:


All these activities offered by the University are FREE.


The activities will be organised and held in English and Spanish.

"Welcome folder"- carpeta de bienvenida

In this link you will find the web page with the "welcome folder". This web page contains different reference materials that will be of use and of your interest for your stay. Please, explore it and read the documents linked in that web page.

Online information sessions

 The information and links to attend will be sent by e-mail to international students.

Online information sessions :

Language  /Idioma Title of the session /Título de la sesión Date / Fecha Day  / Día Hour  / Hora Duration / Duración aprox.
English-inglés Compulsory legal procedures at the arrival for students with nationality from the European Union, Switzerland, Norway or Iceland 17/07/2024 Wednesday 12:30h 1h
English-inglés Compulsory legal procedures at the arrival for students with nationality from the European Union, Switzerland, Norway or Iceland (session 2, SAME as the previous one) 22/07/2024 Monday 14:00h 1h
English-inglés Legal procedures at the arrival, for students with a nationality from OUTSIDE the European Union 19/07/2024 Friday 09:00h 1,5h
English-inglés Accommodation and transports 19/07/2024 Friday 12:00h 1h
Spanish-español Trámites legales a la llegada, para estudiantes con nacionalidad de la Unión Europea, Suiza, Noruega o Islandia 18/07/2024 Jueves 12:00h 1h
Spanish-español Trámites legales a la llegada, para estudiantes con nacionalidad de FUERA de la Unión Europea (no-UE) 22/07/2024 Lunes 18:30h 1,5h
Spanish-español Alojamiento y transportes 23/07/2024 Martes 21:00h 1h


  • All hours indicated are with Spanish time zone.
  • Students will receive in their e-mail the links to attend the sessions. If on 17/07 you had not received that e-mail, then please write to: oficina.mobilitat.internacional@upc.edu
  • The sessions will be recorded. An e-mail will be sent to the students on 25/07, with the links to the recordings.

More information: questions and queries

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
International Students Office (OMI)
E-mail: (subject line "Orientation Week" or "question OW")
Tel.: +34-93 401 69 37
Please note that OMI office and UPC are closed  during the month of August, due to summer holidays and energy saving. Apart from that period, the general office hours are:
- From Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- And also, from 15th September to 15th June, on Tuesday afternoons, from 15.30h to 17.30h.

 We wish you an intesting and happy stay!