April 23rd: "Sarau UPC Sant Jordi" (Sant Jordi festivity in UPC!)

Apr 18, 2024

On Tuesday, April 23rd, UPC takes to the streets with a day full of culture, music, and activities. From 10 am until lunchtime, the South Diagonal Campus will host the Sant Jordi's Day event, where we can stroll among second-hand books and roses, enjoy music, and celebrate various award ceremonies.

The event will take place on Pau Gargallo Street, which will be closed to traffic for the occasion, with the aim that the entire UPC community can enjoy this pacified space.

The day will begin with a welcome from the directors of the centers of the South Diagonal Campus, followed by a greeting from Empar Moliner. In the UPC tent, the latest news from the UPC Libraries will be offered, and novelties offered by the Nollegiu Bookstore can be purchased. Music will be provided by the Cadència Industrial and Bucaneros groups, and a sample of Swing UPC dances will be offered for dance enthusiasts.

Literature lovers will have the opportunity to learn about writing workshops and reading clubs, an opportunity to claim that letters also have their space at UPC.

Recognition will also be given to the Polytechnic Digital Initiative, the Doctoral School Short Story, and the UPC Thinking Festivals, three proposals launched to UPC students that link creativity, innovation, and talent. The Campus Sud Floral Games prize will also be awarded, as well as the FME puzzle contest, which will hold its final on the same day.

During the day, the UPC Cultural Menus will also be presented, the latest initiative of UPCArts, which consists of offering a wide cultural program – theater, music, lectures, outings, etc. – on a monthly basis for each of the UPC campuses.

The day will culminate with the commemoration of the 30 years of CdE, a unique opportunity to explore all the activities of the university associations, including the exhibition of the UPC human tower groups.

The rector will speak at the event, followed by a Saint George's Day snack for all attendees.

Location of the event (where to go on April 23rd), in Google Maps

More information
See the news item in the UPC web page: