
Online information sessions about the TIE renewal procedure

If you are a UPC student and you have to renew your TIE card this summer, in the next months, this information may be of high interest for you.

In the next weeks we will organise different videoconferences about the TIE renewal procedure.

There will be different types of "webinars":

- On one hand, information sessions about how to make the procedure, for those students that don't know how to make it and that have not read the instructions in our web page yet. If you are a UPC student and it is the first time that you have to renew, we recommend yo to attend.

- On the other hand, there will be other information sessions with "frequent questions" about the TIE renewal procedure.

- Finally, we will also soon organise other information sessions about the rocedure of TIE renewal for relatives of students.

Register as soon as possible and don't miss them!!

Calendar of sessions

We have initially planned the following sessions. Later on, and according to the demand and availability, we would organise others.

      Sessions in Spanish:

  1. "Nivel Básico. ¿Cómo renovar la tarjeta TIE?"  Fecha: miércoles 3 de junio. Hora: 17h CET.
  2. "Información sobre renovación TIE para familiares de estudiantes UPC." Fecha: miércoles 3 de junio. Hora: 18:30h CET.
  3.  "Preguntas frecuentes sobre renovación TIE." Fecha: lunes 8 de junio. Hora: 12h CET

    Sessions in English:

  4.  "Beginners level. How to renew the TIE card?" Date: Thursday, June 4th. Hour: 17h CET.
  5. "Information about TIE renwal for relatives of UPC students." Date: Monday, June 8th. Hour: 14h CET.
  6. "Frequent questions about the TIE renewal procedure." Date: Tuesday, June 9th. Hour: 9h CET.


UPC students wishing to attend to any session(s) have to register through this online form.

You can register for more than one session. (If, for example, I want information about how to renew my TIE card and the one of my husband, I might want to attend sessions 4 and 5.)

We accept applications until the same day of the sessoin, maximum until 11h. (For session number 6, we will accept applications until 7h of June 9th.)

Students will receive, the night before of the online session, an e-mail with a link to attend the event through a Google Meet session.

Note: IF due to the number of attendants the session was already fully booked, we would invite you to an additional session.

Further information and questions.

For your questions/doubts about TIE renewal, we remain at your disposal through the e-mail:
(Please, identify yourself with your full name and the name of the UPC program and UPC school/faculty where you study; thank you.)