
Research Article Abstracts and Introductions

Si t'interessa... Conèixer pautes per a l’estructura i l’estil dels articles de recerca  en anglès per millorar les possibilitats de publicar el teu treball en revistes internacionals. La sessió serà informativa, analítica i pràctica.
Destinataris Doctorands, investigadors i PDI de la UPC
Durada i modalitat 3 hores presencials
Dates i horari pendent
Lloc d'impartició Edifici Vèrtex, Campus Nord, Barcelona
Professorat Alan Lounds, cap de la Unitat d'Assessorament Lingüístic del Servei de Llengües i Terminologia
Preu Gratuït
Codi ---
Programa A genre-based approach to authoring
Abstracts and introductions come together to tell nearly the “whole story” of the research experience. In this workshop the conventions and underlying structure of these sections will be examined from a genre perspective, with special emphasis on the use of standard features that conform to readers’ expectations. Knowledge of these conventions will allow authors to improve their chances of success.

In the first part, the basics of genre analysis applied to research articles will be introduced and different conventions for the writing of abstracts will be considered. In the second part, a model for analyzing introductions and for identifying strategic “moves” in the discourse will be presented. Attention will also be paid to the use of tense and phraseology.

The workshop will be very practical and participative, using examples, exercises and group discussion.
Inscripció Formulari d'inscripció [tancat]