
Data protection (REDEEM2 Focus groups) - Information in English


Information and access to personal data

Contact details of the data protection officer

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Gabinet de Relacions Internacionals
Telf:+34-93 401 58 04. Correu electrònic:

Dades de contacte del delegat de protecció de dades

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Purposes of the processing

[F01.10]- Questionnaires, surveys, interviews, focus gropus.

Focus Groups for the European Project "REDEEM2", about employability of UPC alumni that had been in a double or joint degree.

Legitimate interests

Compliment d’una missió realitzada en interès públic:

-Llei 1/2003, de 19 de febrer, d’universitats de Catalunya.

-Llei 6/2001, de 21 de desembre, d’Universitats.

Recipients or categories of recipients

Your data will only be collected for the mere purpose of the study, in the framework of the Eruopean Union project "REDEEM2". They will be only shared among the partner universities of the project, and not in a personal way but statistically and with qualitative data, and taking out personal data that identifies you. In case that personal details are requested, specific consent will be requested. (I.e. for citation, focus group, qualitative study.)


Right of access by the data subject.

Right to rectification or erasure (‘right to be forgotten’).

Right to restriction of processing.

Right to object.

Right to data portability.

Period for which the personal data will be stored

As needed for any of the purposes that are described in our retention policy.


If you have been unable to exercise your rights to your satisfaction, you can file a complaint with the APDCAT.