

It is mandatory that all exchange and visiting students coming to UPC book a private insurance that covers them for their stay, including hospitalisation, medical expenses, civil liability and repatriation.

Other international students, coming for full degree seeking studies , are also strongly recommended to book a private insurance that covers them for their stay. (For example, if I come to UPC to make a Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering.)

From UPC we recommend "Oncampus Estudia" or "Oncampus Healthcare".
- Oncampus Estudia:
- Oncampus Healthcare:


  • Students from European Union countries (EU students)

EU students have to obtain their EUROPEAN HEALTH INSURANCE CARD, through their Students National Health Service, in their country of origin and before coming to Spain.

 The European Health Insurance Card is a free card that gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 28 EU countries, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country. You can find more information about it in the following link:

This card certifies your right to receive medical care in the European Union and must be presented to receive it. In Spain, you must address yourselves to the medical centers of the “Seguridad Social” (Primary Medical Attention Centers, called C.A.P., and public hospitals).

Important note: depending on the agreements between the Spanish Social Security and the one in your home country, and the different medical coverages in each EU country, please check availability of services; especially if you are following a medical treatment. In most of cases, the coverage is for emergencies and general doctor (in Spanish, called "médico de cabecera", or in Catalan, called "metge de capçalera"), in any of the hospitals or CAPs of the Spanish public health system.

The EU health card does not cover you for other expenses like repatriation, civil liability, etc. You are strongly recommended to book a private insurance that covers you. From UPC we recommend "Oncampus Estudia" or "Oncampus Healthcare".
- Oncampus Estudia:
- Oncampus Healthcare:


  • Students from non-European Union countries (non-EU students)

Students from outside the European Union are already required to purchase a private health insurance to obtain the Spanish students visa. Once in Spain and depending on the length of their studies here, they should have to renew it or to acquire another one in Spain that can guarantee that they will count with medical care during their stay in Spain and that they are covered for a potential repatriation.

Those students whose studies require their stay in Spain for more than one year will have to renew their students stay permit. When they begin the renewal, they should have to present (together with other documents) a document that proofs that they have a private health insurance for the period they want to renew their permit.

The Spanish public health system (called “Seguridad Social”) does not cover the medical expenses of the citizens of countries outside the European Union. The only exceptions are for the persons that work in Spain or for the students who have a scholarship that includes this benefit. In case they address themselves to the public medical system, they should have to pay for the care, and the price will be higher than the one of a public doctor because the public system is saturated.

Students from non-EU countries can check if there exists a bilateral agreements between their country and Spain that can cover their  medical assistance (or a part of it) in Spain. They should also take into account that the majority of agreements are in benefit of workers and not of students. In the following link they can find some information:

As to the private health insurances, the students can choose the one that they consider most convenient for them as long as it covers, at least:

-          Primary medical care

-          Consult to medical specialists if needed

-         The medical expensed generated by an accident and

-          Hospital stay and surgery expenses if necessary

-         Repatriation to home country, if necessary

A good option could be the health insurances OnCampus estudia or OnCampus Healthcare, offered by a company that has an agreement with UPC:
- Oncampus Estudia:
- Oncampus Healthcare:


  • General information about the compulsory student health insurance

Spanish undergraduate students under 28, students working on their research projects and doctorate students are entitled to health insurance. International students from countries which hold specific agreements on health coverage with Spain are also entitled to this insurance. The premium is annual and mandatory (payment is made on enrollment). Students over 28 are not entitled to health insurance and therefore do not have to pay for premium insurance upon enrollment. Students enrolled at another institution (and therefore already covered) are not required to have additional coverage while enrolled at UPC-BARCELONATECH.
This insurance would only cover you for emergencies on-campus and while coming to/from your campus.