Student associations

Participate in cultural, sports and academic associations and meet other students with similar concerns. These not-for-profit associations are composed of private individuals who come together freely and voluntarily, with a commitment to share knowledge, activities or funding.
Associations at the schools
- Barcelona East School of Engineering - EEBE
- Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering - EETAC
- Barcelona School of Building Construction - EPSEB
- Manresa School of Engineering - EPSEM
- Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering - EPSEVG
- Barcelona School of Agri-Food and Biosystems Engineering - EEABB
- Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering - ESEIAAT
- Barcelona School of Architecture - ETSAB
- Vallès School of Architecture- ETSAV
- Barcelona School of Civil Engineering - ETSECCPB
- Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering - ETSEIB
- Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering - ETSETB
- Barcelona School of Informatics - FIB
- School of Matematics and Statistics - FME
- Barcelona School of Nautical Studies - FNB
- Terrasa School of Optics and Optometry - FOOT