Governance and participation
As a student, you can get involved in the University's governance by participating in its governing bodies or becoming a member of the Student Council and the various student delegations. You can also send your proposals and demands to your representatives and give your opinion on your professors' teaching. You are part of the UPC.

Governing bodies of the UPC
You can be part of the University Senate, the UPC's highest representation body; the Governing Council, the UPC's governing body; the Board of Trustees, the body that channels the participation of society in the UPC; and the schools' governing bodies.

Student Council (CdE)
The Student Council is the University's highest student representation body. It works to guarantee students' rights and promotes actions to improve university life, in academic terms and outside the classroom.

Student delegations
Every school has a student delegation that provide students with information and support, promote student participation in the governing bodies, act to ensure the quality of teaching and schools' proper functioning and organise leisure and cultural activities.

Online teaching surveys
In the online teaching surveys you can evaluate your professors' teaching activity and the subjects you have taken. Your opinion will help to improve teaching and how subjects are organised and carried out.
University Student Statute
The University Student Statute , which outlines the rights and obligations of university students, entered into force on 31 December 2010.
Most of the rights and obligations outlined in the Statute cover teaching excellence, the recognition of differences, comprehensive education and student participation in university governance.