The UPC launches a new app for grape producers
The Agricultural Machinery Unit of the UPC has just released DOSAVIÑA, an application for grape producers. It is a tool that allows the optimal volume rate for pesticide spray application and the amount of pesticide in trellis vines to be determined.
Jul 25, 2018
The DOSAVIÑA tool developed by the Agricultural Machinery Unit (UMA) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) also offers farmers a practical guide for selecting appropriate operating parameters (feed speed, pressure, nozzles, etc.).
The application, developed for IOS and ANDROID operating systems (type DOSAVINA), is available in five different languages and two different measurament systems (International System and Imperial Units). This makes it more likely to be widely used in the world’s most important wine-producing regions.
As scientifically proven by the UMA research group, using DOSAVIÑA enables the amount of pesticide to be adjusted according to the canopy structure, which in turn allows an accurate risk management process to be implemented in line with the European directive on the sustainable use of pesticides. The tool is also available in web format at: