UPC’s rectorial election from 14 to 19 May
Election calendar
- 26 April: Closure of the electoral register
- 7 April 12.59 p.m: Publication of the provisional electoral register
- 7 April 13 p.m. - 12 April 12.59pm.: Period for requesting changes to the provisional electoral register
- 13 April: Draw to appoint members of the electoral tables
- 13 April 14 p.m. - 16 April 3.59 p.m.: Period for presenting candidatures
- 16 April: Provisional announcement of candidates
- 19-23 April: Period for requesting changes to the provisional announcement of candidates
- 27 April: Final announcement of candidates
- 29 April-5 May: Election campaign
- 13 May: Day of reflection
- 14 May 10 a.m. - 19 May 9.59 a.m.: Voting
- 19 May: Provisional proclamation of the rector
- 19-21 May: Appeal period
- 25 May: Definitive proclamation of the rector
Second round
- 27 May:.Start of the second round
- 27 May: Final announcement of candidates
- 28 May-1 June: Election campaign
- 2 June:.Day of reflection
- 3 June 10 a.m. - 09.59 a.m.: Voting
- 8 June: Provisional proclamation of the rector
- 8 -10 June: Appeal period
- 11 June: Definitive proclamation of the rector
The rector of the UPC, Francesc Torres, called elections for the post of rector of the University on 6 April. The candidates are Francesc Torres Torres and Daniel Crespo. The election campaign will run from 29 April to 12 May. Voting will take place online from 14 May at 10 a.m. to 19 May at 9.59 a.m. Information and documents on the electoral process are available on the website eleccionsrectorat2021.upc.edu.
Apr 29, 2021
On 6 April, rectorial elections at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) were called by the rector, Francesc Torres, who has held the post since December 2017, as announced in Resolution no. 436/2021. Voting will take place online from 14 May at 10 a.m. to 19 May 9.59 a.m. The rector announced it in a video statement on YouTube (in Catalan).
According to the election calendar, the University published on 27 April the final announcement of candidates have been published: Francesc Torres Torres and Daniel Crespo (in Catalan). The election campaign will run from 29 April to 12 May.
The day of reflection will be held on 13 May and voting will take place between 14 May at 10 a.m. and 19 May at 9.59 a.m on the website eleccionsclaustre.upc.edu. The provisional proclamation of the rector will be made on 19 May and the final results will be published on 25 May.
In the case of a second round, the election campaign would run between 28 May and 1 June and voting would take place between 3 June at 10 a.m. and 8 June at 9.59 a.m. Final results would be published on 11 June.
Electoral procedure
The ordinary procedure for election of the rector is regulated by Article 69 of the UPC Statutes, the University’s Electoral Regulations and the Regulations for Online Voting approved in the University Senate on 17 December 2020 (all of them are in Catalan versions).
The rector is elected by the university community and the university professors working at the UPC through free and secret universal suffrage.
The vote for the election of rector is weighted by sectors of the university community. The weighting coefficients regulated in Article 69.4 of the UPC Statutes are the following:
The candidate who receives the support of more than half of the validly issued weighted votes is proclaimed rector in the first round. If no candidate obtains more than half the votes, a second round is held between the two people who received most votes in the first round. In the second round, the candidate who obtains a simple majority of the validly issued weighted votes is proclaimed rector.
In the case of a tie in the first round, if it is not possible to select one of the two candidates for the second round, Article 51.2.a of the Electoral Regulations of the UPC is applied. In the case of a tie in the second round, a new vote must be scheduled.
According to the election calendar, the University published on 27 April the final announcement of candidates have been published: Francesc Torres Torres and Daniel Crespo (in Catalan). The election campaign will run from 29 April to 12 May.
The day of reflection will be held on 13 May and voting will take place between 14 May at 10 a.m. and 19 May at 9.59 a.m on the website eleccionsclaustre.upc.edu. The provisional proclamation of the rector will be made on 19 May and the final results will be published on 25 May.
In the case of a second round, the election campaign would run between 28 May and 1 June and voting would take place between 3 June at 10 a.m. and 8 June at 9.59 a.m. Final results would be published on 11 June.
Electoral procedure
The ordinary procedure for election of the rector is regulated by Article 69 of the UPC Statutes, the University’s Electoral Regulations and the Regulations for Online Voting approved in the University Senate on 17 December 2020 (all of them are in Catalan versions).
The rector is elected by the university community and the university professors working at the UPC through free and secret universal suffrage.
The vote for the election of rector is weighted by sectors of the university community. The weighting coefficients regulated in Article 69.4 of the UPC Statutes are the following:
a) Teaching staff with a doctorate and employed on a permanent basis: 0.51
b) The rest of the teaching and research staff: 0.14
c) Bachelor’s and master’s degree students: 0.24
d) Administration and service staff: 0.11
The candidate who receives the support of more than half of the validly issued weighted votes is proclaimed rector in the first round. If no candidate obtains more than half the votes, a second round is held between the two people who received most votes in the first round. In the second round, the candidate who obtains a simple majority of the validly issued weighted votes is proclaimed rector.
In the case of a tie in the first round, if it is not possible to select one of the two candidates for the second round, Article 51.2.a of the Electoral Regulations of the UPC is applied. In the case of a tie in the second round, a new vote must be scheduled.

Furhter information
- S'inicia la campanya electoral per elegir rector de la UPC: Francesc Torres i Daniel Crespo, candidats (Catalan version)
- Information and documents on the electoral process are available on the website eleccionsrectorat2021.upc.edu