Your Doctoral Thesis in a Twitter Thread: #HiloTesis

This competition consists of communicating your doctoral thesis in a thread of no more than 20 tweets, taking into account the limitations and possibilities of Twitter.

Mar 31, 2021

CRUE, the main Spanish university association, has launched the first edition of the competition 'Your Doctoral Thesis in a Twitter Thread: #HiloTesis'.

This competition consists of communicating your doctoral thesis in a thread of no more than 20 tweets, taking into account the limitations and possibilities of Twitter.

In addition to the CRUE awards, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC) will award prizes to the best thread of UPC, which will be announced on 23 April, as part of the celebrations of the Diada de Sant Jordi at the University.

The competition will run between 1 and 23 April. Participating students must have the approval of their thesis supervisor and must make sure that the information provided or linked in the thread is suitable for public dissemination. If research were subject to a confidentiality agreement, students must discuss the content used in the competition with the parties involved. Neither participating universities nor the CRUE will be liable for damages arising from the breach of these terms.

Further information