Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Master's degree in Civil Engineering

Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB)

Master's degree in Civil Engineering (master's degree website) provides advanced multidisciplinary and technological training that will enable you to work in research, design and analysis of infrastructure and civil engineering projects and will qualify you to practise as a civil engineer.

The curriculum reinforces prior learning in mathematics, physics, science and technology on the bachelor's degree course by teaching students the most advanced and experimental techniques for modelling in engineering. The master's degree includes study abroad at some of the most prestigious engineering schools in the world in the framework of mobility programmes and agreements.

It provides future professionals with a solid technical grounding in designing infrastructure and supervising its development, and in planning and managing environmental services and resources for spatial planning.


  • Computational Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering and Sustainability
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Structural Engineering and Construction
  • Transport Engineering and Urbanism
  • Water Engineering
Duration and start date
Two academic years, 120 ECTS credits. Starting February and September
Timetable and delivery
Mornings. Face-to-face
Fees and grants
Approximate fees for the master’s degree, excluding other costs (does not include non-teaching academic fees and issuing of the degree certificate):
€2,215 (€12,662 for non-EU residents).
More information about fees and payment options
More information about grants and loans
Language of instruction

Check the language of instruction for each subject in the course guide in the curriculum.

Information on language use in the classroom and students’ language rights.


Barcelona School of Civil Engineering

Official degree
Recorded in the Ministry of Education's degree register
General requirements
Academic requirements for admission to master's degrees
Specific requirements

The following candidates may apply for enrolment:

  • Holders of an official bachelor's degree that qualifies them to practise the regulated profession of technical public works engineer or
  • Holders of an official bachelor's degree that provides the competencies outlined in Ministerial Order CIN/307/2009, of 9 February, in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.2.2 of Order CIN/309/2009, of 9 February or
  • Students on double-degree programmes that include the professional-track master's degree in Civil Engineering under the continuity system.
  • Holders of other qualifications, in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.2.3 of Order CIN/309/2009, of 9 February.

Admission criteria and application periods can be consulted on the website of the Barcelona School of Civil Engineering: https://camins.upc.edu/en/Studies/master?set_language=en

Pre-enrolment closed (consult the new pre-enrolment periods in the academic calendar).
How to pre-enrol
How to enrol
Legalisation of foreign documents
All documents issued in non-EU countries must be legalised and bear the corresponding apostille.
Double-degree pathways at the UPC

  • Master's degree in Civil Engineering + Master's degree in Urban Mobility
  • Master's degree in Civil Engineering + Master's degree in Structural and Construction Engineering

With universities around the world

  • Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB) / Bachelor's degree in Public Works Engineering (ETSECCPB) + Master's degree in Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB) + Diplôme d’ingénieur (EIVP, Paris)
  • Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB) / Bachelor's degree in Public Works Engineering (ETSECCPB) + Master's degree in Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB) + Diplôme d’ingénieur (ESTP, within the specialisation Travaux Publics)
  • Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB) + Master's degree in Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB) + Diplôme d’ingénieur (from the corresponding École Centrale: Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes or Paris)
  • Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB) + Master's degree in Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB) + Diplôme d’ingénieur de l'École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (École des Ponts ParisTech)
  • Master's degree in Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB) + Master's in Management Grande Ecole Degree (HEC) (École Des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), Paris, France)
  • Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB) + Master's degree in Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB) + Laurea Magistrale (Ingegneria Civile or Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio) (Politecnico di Milano)
  • Master's degree in Civil Engineering  + Master's degree in Geological and Mining Engineering (IIT) (Ilinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago, USA) (Only ETSECCPB students to IIT) (To choose between 10 masters)
  • Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering (ETSECPPB) + Master's degree in Civil Engineering (ETSCCPB) + Master in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering (College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shangai, China) 
Check the degree’s main quality indicators in the University Studies in Catalonia portal of Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency. Find information on topics such as degree evaluation results, student satisfaction and graduate employment data.
Further information

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