UPCommons among the world’s top 30 document repositories
The UPCommons open knowledge portal is listed among the world’s top 30 document repositories, 10th in Europe and 1st in Spain in the latest edition of the Transparent Ranking of repositories. In the ranking of institutional repositories, it climbs to the 19th place worldwide and the 6th place in Europe.
Feb 23, 2020
In the Transparent Ranking of all repositories, UPCommons of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC), with its 66,800 records, is ranked 27th in the world, 10th in Europe and 1st in Spain. In the ranking of institutional repositories, UPCommons, which was one of the first open repositories in Spain and Europe, climbs to the 19th place worldwide and 6th in Europe and remains the leader in Spain.
In the ranking of repositories and portals in Spain, UPCommons is ranked 3rd behind Dialnet and RACO (Catalan Journals in Open Access).
Published by the Cybermetrics Lab—a research group of the Spanish National Research Council that also publishes the Ranking Web of Universities—the Transparent Ranking of repositories is based on the number of records indexed in Google Scholar, excluding citations and patents. This was one of the four indicators analysed by the Ranking Web of Repositories, which stopped being published in that format in July 2017.
The latest edition of the Transparent Ranking, published from the data obtained during the first week of February, includes 2,986 repositories. In addition to the general list, that includes all repositories, there are three more lists: institutional repositories, portals of journals and CRIS (current research information system).