
  1. Statement from the rector of the UPC, Francesc Torres, to the university community

    The rector of the UPC, Francesc Torres, issued a statement on 27 October on the meeting of the University’s emergency committee to assess the current COVID-19 situation that was held earlier that day. In the statement, which can be read below, the...
  2. Discover the UPC’s Doctoral School

    Visit the Doctoral School website to find out more about the programmes leading to a doctoral degree that allow you to develop the skills and competencies needed to conduct quality research in a changing world.
  3. The UPC leads a project to develop faster, lower-power processors for artificial intelligence

    The European Commission grants three million euros in funding to the WiPLASH project within the framework of the FET-Open call. It aims to prototype miniaturised wireless graphene antennas in the terahertz band to provide future computing platforms...
  4. QuantumCAT, the quantum technology hub led by the ICFO, launched

    The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), which is linked to the UPC, leads the new Catalan quantum technology hub QuantumCAT, a consortium of research institutions and industry partners for promoting technology transfer and innovation projects.
  5. The UPC and SokoTech will hold the STEAMConf Barcelona from 22 to 24 October

    The International Education Conference STEAMConf Barcelona is organised by the UPC and the SokoTech Digital Social Innovation Laboratory, in collaboration with the Barcelona City Council, the Government of Catalonia and Barcelona Activa. In its 6th...
  6. The first authenticated services of the UPC Estudiants app: viewing marks, managing timetables and receiving notifications

    The new version of the UPC Estudiants app features the first authenticated services for part of the University students: viewing marks, managing timetables and receiving notifications. It also provides one-click access to the opening hours of UPC...
  7. International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, at UPC

    The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) host the 15th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, from 20 to 23 October, on line.
  8. Communication, of 13 october, on the instructions of CatSalut

    Given the latest instructions of the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia and the Ministry of Health as regards taking temporary measures on university campuses to contain the rate of coronavirus infections, the UPC informs of new measures of 13...
  9. UPC statement regarding the latest public information on COVID-19

    The UPC states that it is in constant contact with the Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Government of Catalonia and the other Catalan public universities to decide on the most appropriate actions to protect everyone’s health during...
  10. UPC researcher Clara Prats and other scientists alert of the need for detailed COVID-19 data in Spain

    Researchers from the UPC, the CED-UAB, the Max Planck Institute and the IDAEA-CSIC alert of the need for detailed population data on COVID-19 in Spain in the scientific journal The Lancet Public Health.
  11. A computational model to understand the dynamics of tuberculosis lesions within the lungs

    Researchers from the UPC and the Institut Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP) have developed a virtual lung model using computational modelling techniques to study the dynamics of tuberculosis lesions within the lungs. These are the first results to be...
  12. The Optometrist of the Year international award was presented to the researcher Padmaja Sankaridurg at the UPC-FOOT

    On 7 October, the Optometrist of the Year international award was presented at the UPC’s Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry (FOOT) to Padmaja Sankaridurg, a professor at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia, and a...
  13. EAR to the WILD, a groundbreaking smartphone application for the real-time monitoring of marine biodiversity

    On 8 June 2020, the Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics (LAB) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) launched EAR to the WILD, an innovative application that monitors ocean biodiversity from any mobile platform. The app...
  14. The UPC has opened the 2020–2021 academic year at Catalan universities, on the occasion of the University’s 50th anniversary

    The opening ceremony of the new academic year at the UPC has taken place on 30 September at noon. The ceremony has been broadcasted live through the UPC’s YouTube channel and UPCtv.
  15. The ICFO and the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute create a joint laboratory

    The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) and the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute have created a new joint laboratory that focuses on advancing the use and development of photonic technologies to understand, diagnose, monitor and treat...
  16. The UPC approves a range of additional measures to ensure a safe start to the new academic year

    These additional measures complement the measures set out by the Governing Council on 2 July on the reopening stage of the lockdown easing plan and have been approved by the Standing Committee of the Governing Council at an online meeting on 8...
  17. UPC students can now pick up their masks at the University libraries

    Students can now pick up their UPC masks at the University libraries by showing their UPC card or the proof of enrolment on their mobile phone. These reusable masks are made from quality fabric and have been validated by the UPC’s INTEXTER.
  18. Message from the rector, Francesc Torres, to UPC students on the occasion of the new academic year

    One step away from welcoming the new academic year, the rector of the UPC, Francesc Torres, explains that safety measures are being updated to safely start academic activities on a video aimed at students and published on the University’s YouTube...
  19. The BSC and the Hospital Clínic will use artificial intelligence (AI) to predict the evolution of COVID-19 patients

    They will create an AI model based on information from more than 3,000 clinical reports generated by the Hospital Clínic during the acute phase of the pandemic. The project, promoted by the Spanish government, is open to the collaboration of more...
  20. Two UPC cutting-edge research projects selected under the MIT-Spain ”la Caixa” programme

    Quantifying vegetation response to climate change with statistical models and studying atmospheric electricity using small uncrewed aerial vehicles. These two projects involving UPC researchers have been selected under the third MIT-Spain ”la Caixa”...
  21. New forms of cell division that are caused by protein waves discovered

    Researchers from the UPC’s Department of Physics and the University of Potsdam, Germany, have discovered a new form of cell division that is caused by protein waves in the framework of an international collaboration project. This discovery opens the...
  22. Two UPC nanosatellites in orbit to study polar regions and provide Earth observation images by using artificial intelligence

    Two small satellites created at the UPC’s Nanosat Lab have travelled to space from Kourou, French Guiana, on 2 September (at 3.51 a.m. on 3 September Spanish time) to carry out the FSSCat mission, which received the ESA Sentinel Small Satellite...
  23. Apps may detect a maximum of 10% COVID-19 infections, according to a study by the UPC’s BIOCOM-SC group

    A study conducted by the UPC’s Computational Biology and Complex Systems Group (BIOCOM-SC) reveals that Bluetooth-based apps are able to detect a maximum of 10% of infections. The study reports that apps could help detect some cases but they are...
  24. BSC and UPC researchers study mobility in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic period using data from the Facebook and Google apps

    The work demonstrates how the correct use of these data can provide a detailed interpretation of mobility, for epidemiological and socio-economic analysis. In retrospect, the confinement measures applied and their duration were adequate for the...
  25. The UPC among the best Spanish universities in Engineering according to the Ranking CYD

    The UPC is the top university in Spain in Informatics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, and it is ranked as one of the three best Spanish universities in Electrical, Chemical and Materials Engineering according to the Ranking CYD, which also...
  26. Rector's statement posted on 15 July 2020

    Coinciding with the closing of the academic year, the Rector of the UPC, Francesc Torres, has thanked the response to the profound challenge posed by COVID-19 in a new video statement addressed to the university community published on 15 July 2020...
  27. The UPC, the 36th best young university in the world in the QS Top 50 Under 50 ranking

    In the 2021 edition of the QS Top 50 Under 50 ranking, which lists the world’s best universities under 50, the UPC is ranked 36th in the world. The University climbs two positions among European universities to the 11th place. It also remains the...
  28. The UPC has planned the start of the 2020–2021 academic year and has approved a range of initiatives to adapt activities to new needs

    The Governing Council of the UPC has approved a document that specifies a face-to-face teaching model that is also flexible and hybrid for the first semester of the upcoming academic year, depending on the demands of the pandemic and the...
  29. A UPC research group and the company B. Braun investigate new inactivation strategies against SARS-CoV-2 virus through modified nanoparticles and activation of heat nanosources

    The research group Innovation in Materials and Molecular Engineering - Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies (IMEM) of the UPC will investigate, in collaboration with B. Braun, the detection, blocking and elimination of the SARS-CoV-2 virus using...
  30. Novel photonic platform capable of producing quantum walks of structured photons in 2D

    A team of researchers from the UPC’s Department of Physics, the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy) and the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) have discovered a novel photonic platform, capable of producing quantum walks of...