Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Bachelor's degree in Design, Animation and Digital Art

Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre (CITM)

The objective of the bachelor's degree in Design, Animation and Digital Art is to provide students with contemporary and specialised training in the framework of digital creativity. Students will be able to design and develop digital products, content and services in the areas of digital design, computer animation, digital audiovisual production and digital art that require a high degree of innovation and creativity. The overall objective of the degree calls for robust training in creative abilities, on the one hand, and knowledge and command of new technologies and digital tools in image, art and animation, on the other.

During your studies you will also learn to think critically about digital technologies, including the advantages of particular technologies, the context in which they are applied and their social and ethical implications. You will also have the opportunity to participate in projects and creation laboratories with leading companies in the digital industry, as well as multidisciplinary teams oriented towards the professional market in digital design, animation and art, which will provide you with the ability to adapt to a constantly changing technological world and to understand today's digital industry and prevailing business models.

4 years
Study load
240 ECTS credits (including the bachelor's thesis). One credit is equivalent to a study load of 25-30 hours.
Language of instruction

Check the language of instruction for each subject (and timetable) in the course guide in the curriculum.

Information on language use in the classroom and students’ language rights.

Fees and grants
€6360 (academic year) Consult the public fees system based on income (grants and payment options).
Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre (CITM)
Registration and enrolment
What are the requirements to enrol in a bachelor's degree course?
Legalisation of foreign documents
All documents issued in non-EU countries must be legalised and bear the corresponding apostille.

Fourth course

  • 3D Video Games 6
  • Advanced Animation 6
  • Advanced Business Project 6
  • Advanced Digital Painting 6
  • Advanced Post-Production 6
  • Advanced Sound Design 6
  • Advanced User Experience (Ux) Techniques 6
  • Applied Artistic Research 6
  • Bachelor's Thesis 12
  • Cinematography 6
  • Creation Lab 6
  • Digital Entertainment and Video Game Design 6
  • Distribution and Business Models 6
  • Expanded Audiovisuals 6
  • Generative Art with Processing 6
  • Real Time Narrative 6
  • Serious Games Design 6
  • Sound Editing and Design 6
  • Stop Motion 6
  • Transmedia Production 6
  • Virtual Reality Environments 6
  • CompulsoryECTS
  • OptionalECTS
  • ProjectECTS
Professional opportunities
  • 2D and 3D animation artist.
  • Audiovisual content producer.
  • Visual effects producer.
  • Art, photography and digital lighting director and specialist.
  • Graphic designer.
  • Character developer.
  • CGI and image processing specialist.
  • Graphic digitisation specialist.
  • Advertising creative.
  • User experience designer.
  • Interactive application designer.
  • Digital gamification specialist.
  • Designer and manager of audiovisual content for marketing and communication.
Check the degree’s main quality indicators in the University Studies in Catalonia portal of the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency. Find information on topics such as degree evaluation results, student satisfaction and graduate employment data. 

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