Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Technologies and Services Engineering

Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)

The bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Technologies and Services Engineering provides a solid grounding in the fundamentals of ICT engineering and the specific skills pertaining to each of the majors that are offered. It produces versatile professionals who are able to change work environments and meet the sector's future challenges and those that will occur in industrial sectors that employ these technologies. The degree also ensures concentrated learning in the following majors: Audiovisual Systems, Telecommunications Systems and Network Systems.

Given that ICTs are crucial in any industrial, research and innovation sector, graduates' professional opportunities are wide-ranging: they will be able to accomplish a broad range of technical and management tasks and start new entrepreneurial projects in this technological field.

Communications are ever more necessary in all environments and scenarios, and specialists are highly sought after in fibre optics; in mobile communications, to serve the fourth generation and develop the foundations of the fifth; and in GPS technologies and services. Other examples are projects involving cities whose intelligence increases as networks of sensors, such as cameras and pollution sensors, are implemented to improve the lives of citizens, and the extensive use of communication networks and the so-called Internet of Things, a use that demands that the privacy and security of our data be protected. The audiovisual sector also requires highly skilled professionals to design advanced systems, for 3D sound and image technologies, for example, and not just for direct consumers of media, such as music shows or the cinema, but also for important sectors such as health and the automotive and transport industries. In these sectors, there is a clear need for developing electronic devices and instruments that provide accurate and reliable data, to monitor patients’ progress, for example. Another area that is emerging forcefully is the design of new solar cells and photovoltaic systems in the energy sector.

Major in Audiovisual Systems
You will acquire the knowledge to conceive, design, implement and operate products, systems and services in the field of audiovisual systems engineering, including the fields of acoustics, image, audio, video and multimedia environments.

Major in Telecommunications Systems
You will acquire the knowledge to conceive, design, implement and operate telecommunications systems based on generating, transmitting, receiving and processing electrical, acoustic and optical signals across the frequency spectrum and processing related information.

Major in Network Systems
You will acquire the knowledge to conceive, design, implement and operate telematic networks, their security mechanisms and the data that are transmitted through them; the protocols that allow them to function; and the distributed and centralised services and applications that they offer.


  • Audiovisual Systems
  • Telecommunications Systems
  • Network Systems
4 academic years
Study load
240 ECTS credits (including the bachelor's thesis). One credit is equivalent to a study load of 25-30 hours.
Language of instruction

Check the language of instruction for each subject (and timetable) in the course guide in the curriculum.

Information on language use in the classroom and students’ language rights.

Fees and grants
Approximate fees per academic year: €1,107 (€2,553 for non-EU residents). Consult the public fees system based on income (grants and payment options).
Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)
Official degree
Recorded in the Ministry of Education's degree register
Registration and enrolment
What are the requirements to enrol in a bachelor's degree course?
Legalisation of foreign documents
All documents issued in non-EU countries must be legalised and bear the corresponding apostille.


The studies are structured annually in two four-month periods. There are a fall semester (September - January) and a spring semester (February - June).

The curriculum of the degree has a common part that encompasses the education in basic engineering and fundamentals of the different specialties . This common part extends from the first quarter (Q1A) to the fifth quarter (Q3A).
Subsequently, from the sixth four-month period (Q3B) to the eighth four-month period (Q4B), the training in the specialty chosen by the student is developed.
The chart below details the common training , showing the basic subjects (in yellow in the diagram) and compulsory subjects (in grey in the diagram). To see in detail the formation of each specialty, you can go to:

You can consult the tables of prerequisites, corequisites and pre-corequisites in the following links:

The Curriculum of the Degree in Telecommunications Technologies and Services Engineering consists of 240 ECTS, separated in subjects as follows:

Basic formation
Compulsory training
Mention elective training
Common elective training
Final degree project
Total Credits
Basic formation
The basic training module consists of 60 credits divided between Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Electronics and Business; with 24, 12, 11, 7 and 6 ECTS respectively.
This module will be taken in the first half of the curriculum, i.e. in the first three semesters of the degree (1A, 1B and 2A). In addition, these credits will be distributed in subjects mainly of 6 credits each one.
Basic training module
Computer Science

Course guide:

Eighth semester

  • Bachelor's Thesis 18
  • Work Placement 0
  • CompulsoryECTS
  • OptionalECTS
  • ProjectECTS
Professional opportunities
  • Leadership positions.
  • Business and entrepreneurship.
  • Management and administration.
  • Management of an area or department.
  • Project management.
  • Technological advice and consulting in ICT solutions for any area of industry or research.
  • Design and implementation of telecommunications, telematic, audiovisual and electronic systems and applications.
  • Administration and implementation of telecommunications, telematic, audiovisual and electronic systems.
  • Development and programming of telecommunications, telematic, audiovisual and electronic applications.
  • Research, innovation and product design in ICTs or any field that requires ICT solutions.
  • Training.
  • Marketing and logistics.
Within the framework of the courses offered by the Interdisciplinary Higher Education Centre (CFIS)
You can also take an interdisciplinary double degree coordinated by the CFIS at two UPC schools.
Further information on the CFIS website
Check the degree’s main quality indicators in the University Studies in Catalonia portal of the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency. Find information on topics such as degree evaluation results, student satisfaction and graduate employment data. 

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