Executive Council

The Executive Council is composed of university officers (vice-rectors, the general secretary, the general manager and the rector's delegates) who assist the rector in his or her functions. This is the management team of UPC. 

The rector

The rector is the highest academic authority of the University. It represents, directs, governs and manages it, develops the lines of action approved by the corresponding collegiate bodies and executes its agreements.

On June 1, 2021, Professor Daniel Crespo Artiaga was appointed as the rector of UPC by the government of Catalonia, and on June 7, he assumed office in a solemn ceremony held at the Vèrtex building on the North Campus.

Daniel Crespo Artiaga



93 401 61 01
Edifici Rectorat
Jordi Girona, 31. 08034 Barcelona

Social media:




Vice-rector for Academic Policy

Montserrat Pardàs Feliu

vra.pardas@upc.edu // 93 401 61 13

Vice-rector for Teaching and Research Staff Policy

Miquel Soriano Ibáñez

vr.soriano@upc.edu // 93 401 61 06

Vice-rector for Research

Jordi Llorca Piqué

vr.llorca@upc.edu // 93 401 61 11

Vice-rector for Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Climent Molins Borrell

vr.molins@upc.edu // 93 401 61 11

Vice-rector for Architecture, Infrastructure and Regional Outreach

Jordi Ros Ballesteros

vr.ros@upc.edu // 93 401 61 10

Vice-rector for International Policy

Lourdes Reig Puig

vra.reig@upc.edu // 93 401 60 64

Vice-rector for Digital Strategy

Àlvar Vinacua Pla

vr.vinacua@upc.edu // 93 401 61 10

Vice-rector for Social Responsibility and Equality

Josefina Antonijuan Rull

vra.antonijuan@upc.edu // 93 401 60 64

Vice-rector for Quality and Language Policy

Imma Ribas Vila

vra.ribas@upc.edu // 93 401 61 06

Vice-rector for University Policy

Joan Gispets Parcerisas

vr.gispets@upc.edu // 93 401 61 10

Vice-rector for Teaching and Students

Anna Mujal Colilles

vra.mujal@upc.edu // 93 401 61 13

General Secretary

Ana B. Cortinas Abad

secretaria.general@upc.edu // 93 401 73 03

General manager

Ivan Planas Miret

gerent@upc.edu // 93 401 61 21

Head of the Rector's Bureau

Lluís Monfort Peligero

lluis.monfort@upc.edu // 93 401 61 32

Delegates and Assistants of the Rector

Other Delegates for Projects and Territory